quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2023

Technofeudalism or technofascism are political tools the capitalist class is more than happy to use to advance and reinforce the capital order.

In the West, industrial capitalism is being replaced by post-industrial capitalism, such as financial capitalism, the financialization of the economy and ecosystem services. The FIRE sector, asset management firms, cloud capital, CBDCs, etc., none call into question the capitalist system; instead, they reinforce it.

Yaroufakis correctly describes the new cloud capital economy, but claiming this represents a post-capitalist order is wrong. Capitalism reinvents itself by resorting to anti-democratic forms of governance, like overthrowing democratic governments to impose dictatorships, creating international institutions to set the so-called rules-based international order, etc.

New ways of accumulating wealth, concentrating power, and controlling the masses are emerging, but capitalism is the underlying order. 

We should focus on what is essential, which is the fight against capitalism, imperialism, neocolonialism, and, last but not least, the colonization of our minds.