quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2023

This time the war can become the war for eternal peace - This time it might be wise to give peace a chance

To understand where we got to, we have to understand how we got here. Accompanying opinion makers and issuing opinions based on mere ideological-tribal identification is not enough to comprehensively understand what is at stake.

At the beginning of a crisis, it is normal to be influenced by our ideological and tribalist biases. We follow what we believe in and trust the sources and authorities that confirm our view of how the world works.

As a matter of intellectual laziness, we analyze reality based on bipolar reductionist models. We know that the majority of conflicts do not arise out of nowhere, that they are the culmination of unresolved problems or misunderstandings that progressively deteriorate a relationship, between people, institutions or countries, and for no apparent reason to the outsider, it explodes, the unexpected happens to the astonishment of the majority.

No one expects that the majority of people follows in detail the geopolitical disputes and the telltale signs of imminent crisis.

But a war is not a natural tragedy, most wars could be avoided through timely dialogue and if the truth prevails.

The truth is a casualty of war before war is declared because lying is the best way to gain public support. In the era of hybrid and preventive warfare (euphemism for aggressive warfare), deceit is critical to engender necessary illusions, to justify the unjustifiable. The truth and those who defend it are prime targets to be crushed. All people who are genuinely opposed to war must, above all, seek the truth, even when this requires the sacrifice of leaving the ideological-political and political-cultural comfort zone.

Truth is not guaranteed because we trust the messenger and/or the source. Cultivating constructive skepticism and critical thinking to debunk fallacious narratives is the way forward.

The point to remember is that the more serious a situation, problem or crisis is, the less room for maneuver we have and if we allow ourselves to be influenced by perception manipulation maneuvers designed to manufacture consent, we are controlled by those who apparently need to resort to lies to conquer our support, probably they don`t have our best interests at heart.

The more serious the situation, the more concern we must have with the accuracy of the information we consume.

The war in Ukraine and the potential war in Taiwan result from a latent conflict between the unipolar western imperialist bloc led by the USA and on the other side we have a multipolar order in which the BRICS are an important bloc, but countries like India, Russia and of course China are themselves, independent powerful nations. China represents the most serious threat to the unipolar order and is therefore seen by Americans as the archenemy.

Global governance for global dominance under the aegis of the US deep state.

Economic neocolonialism, financial enslavement, intelligence and communication services supremacy and military hegemony are the key factors for a successful Pax Universalis.

Globalism, World Government, Great Reset, the 2023 WEF meeting is unveiling who are the real globalists. Globalism is an “inclusive” project controlled by the Anglo-American imperium with the support of satellite states, including the EU.

An EU made up of sovereign European states would pose a threat to the Anglo-American project of global domination. That is why we see total submission by the EU authorities and officials.

Without political agency, the exercise of citizenship is hollow. Representative democracy can under specific circumstances be more negative than some autocratic regimes.

The point to recall is that effective democracy has to be participatory democracy serving a participatory political economy.

Representative democracy relegates political participation to the act of voting, the citizenry democratically chooses those who will govern the country for a certain period of time and they will be judged in the next electoral cycle.

Meanwhile, political decisions are taken that go against the electoral program (increasingly common and without political consequences) and in the event of war, as is currently the case, it is even more serious because there is a group of non-elect people, for example, at the EU Commission and NATO making political decisions that can have dire consequences and the average citizenry apparently can't do anything – actually I believe we can, but it has to be in the streets, in an organized way and with clear objectives, spontaneous protests have a short fuse and are usually inconsequential.

The generalized feeling of helplessness and uncertainty, caused by atomization, alienation and social isolation, leads us to exclude ourselves from political participation.

Political agency means the right to choose which societal paradigm we want to live in and the duty to make it a reality.

Defending a political ideology as a model for managing a society is also a way of giving meaning to life, society is our shared multi-generational home and the quality of life for future generations depends on the conscious political choices we make throughout our lives.

Exercising the duty of being politically involved is to prevent others from doing it for us.

Society is a dynamic system where individual, group, institutional, organizational and governmental interests must be balanced so that the distribution of wealth is fair and power is monitored to avoid its control by a few who, over time, will use it to favor the group/class to which they belong to the detriment of the rest of society.

To protect class interests, they will create a suitable legal system and resort to the public relations machine to produce instruments of mass deception in order to manipulate public perception.

Ideological traps can be found where least expected and very often we happily open the doors of our convent to let them in. Ideological and cultural colonization works like the kind of parasites that have the ability to exploit the host without killing it.

The biosociocultural identity that defines who we are is rooted in the "information" stored subconsciously and the implicit memories in which the choices we make and the decisions we take are influenced by ideas (Ideas Have Consequences by Richard M. Weaver https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/I/bo17116688.html) to which we are (in)voluntarily exposed to the point that they become pillars of our identity.

A serious problem doesn't go away because we ignore it, but the illusion that we understand it can have even more catastrophic results because

(“In war, truth is the first casualty.” – Aeschylus) the use of propaganda (weaponizing information process) to help ruling elites wage ideological war against their own countrymen in order to gain support of the many and demonize, defame and ridicule the opponents to neutralize them and even make them targets of hatred.

Europeans' political choices will decide the future of Europe and the world and may even save or condemn humanity to nuclear holocaust.

Europeans have the responsibility to decide in which direction the world will go, and it seems to me that we have not yet assimilated the responsibility that hangs over our heads, like the sword of Damocles.

Is Russia really our sworn enemy or are we being deceived and going to support the wrong side of history? The option of sitting on the fence can be tempting because the flood of propaganda does not help to have clear ideas, rather convincing us to lean towards what seems to me to be the wrong side of history.

Distancing ourselves and searching for consistent information because sitting on the fence is letting others decide for us and the direness of the situation requires us to take a stand.

Adopting a skeptical attitude whenever society is flooded with narratives that demonize, dehumanize and point the finger at scapegoats as unequivocal culprits is the moral choice.

Just because we believe in or trust a fountain doesn't mean the water is drinkable. The usual sources where we look for information and in which we trust may become polluted overtime. In order to know if the water from a fountain is drinkable, we have to analyze it, the same happens with the information, it is not enough to trust the sources, it is necessary to research and confirm the veracity of the information. We have to take into account that the information is for internal use, and if we want to preserve our  biosociocultural, neurocognitive, psycho-affective health and prevent chronic intoxications that cause low-quality intellectual output, we need to choose the sources carefully.

The media has the role of informing the public of what is really happening, in a democracy facts are important because the choices we make and the decisions we take should be based on accurate, factual data. How can we defend democracy properly if our environment is a swamp of lies?

In The Emergence of American Political Issues (1977), McCombs and Shaw argue that the most important effect of the mass media is "its ability to mentally order and organize our world for us. In short, the mass media may not be well- successful in telling us what to think, but they are incredibly successful in telling us what to think." [13] Presidential observer Theodore White corroborates this conclusion in The Making of a President (1972):

The power of the press in America is critical. It sets the agenda for public discussion; and this comprehensive political power is not restricted by any law. He determines what people will say and think - an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties and mandarins.[14]

McCombs and Shaw also note that the media's tendency to frame voters' perceptions of political reality constitutes a bias: "To a considerable degree, the art of politics in a democracy is the art of determining which dimensions of the issue are of most interest. . the public or may be deployed to gain public support."[15]


For decades, labor rights have been attacked and social support restricted, all based on the rationale of market freedom and competition to increase productivity. Austerity, precariousness, impoverishment, social isolation, destruction of the social fabric and social exclusion.

Free enterprise, individual responsibility, innovative entrepreneurship, meritocracy, private initiative, tax cuts for investors, reduced government control over economic activity for a most efficient economy, minimalist unionism and labor flexibility, government intervention whenever necessary to implement, sustain, and protect free market activities.

Neoliberalism is a coherent political doctrine of political economy for globalization that emphasizes free trade, market deregulation, opening up the economy, privatizing public services, and reducing government spending.

The imposition of neoliberalism was a declaration of war against the middle class and the working class. A war for control of the global economy and financial and military dominance. Neoliberal political economy requires that a society's political and economic institutions to be liberal and capitalist.

Neoliberalism was sold as a panacea to stimulate global economic growth, encourage exports of commodities, attract foreign investment, create special economic zones in different parts of the world, hand control of the economy to the private sector, liberalize the labor market and end with collective contracts, exacerbate individualism and promote consumer society.

The futile culture of superfluous consumption and the identity of facade, style and image rather than substance.

The fictional persona takes on more importance than coherent ideas, critical thinking and political participation.

The diversity of styles and personas seems to result from chance, personal taste, ethnocultural/tribal identity, extravagance or exoticism.

Adopting a persona for public consumption is nothing more than a game of make-believe, fake cosmopolitanism, highly convenient in a society that demands conformism by default and allows toothless rebellion.

Wearing a police outfit does not make me a police officer, but it can have a disturbing effect, The Stanford Prison Experiment https://exhibits.stanford.edu/spe.

Adopting a persona can lead to identifying with it, to the point of taking it as the “true” identity.

Society is an environment planned, regulated and managed by people, institutions, organizations and government bodies that have the role of creating the scenario, writing the play, putting on the show and directing the public's attention.

Citizens, in their daily quest to satisfy their needs and desires, do not pay attention to the intentional manipulation and ideological-political and cultural framing of reality as a way of reinforcing the established hierarchy through the distribution of power, privileges and entitlements in society.

Neoliberal intervention programs include a package of austerity measures that presuppose the precariousness of employment, cuts in social support, privatization of essential services and state companies (water, energy, health, education, post office, banking, insurance, natural resources and minerals, farmland,...) and public-private partnerships involving tax concessions or other operating revenues, liability protection or partial ownership rights over technically public services and properties to private sector for-profit entities.

Advocates of public-private partnerships allude to their obvious advantages while blurring the lines between legitimate public purposes and private activities to securing and/or increasing rent seeking.

“Public-private partnerships also create risks from the perspective of the general public and taxpayers. Private operators' partnership with the government can insulate them from liability to public service users for cutting too many shortcuts, providing substandard service, or even violating people's civil or constitutional rights. At the same time, the private partner may enjoy a position to raise tolls, fees and charges for captive consumers who may be compelled by law or geographical natural monopoly to pay for their services.

Finally, as in any situation where ownership and decision rights are separated, public-private partnerships can create complex principal-agent problems. This can facilitate corrupt dealings, bribes to political cronies, and general rent-seeking activities, weakening the link between private parties making important decisions about a project from which they benefit, and accountability to taxpayers who pay taxes. least part of the bill and who might be left holding the bag in terms of ultimate responsibility for the outcome of the project.”


In a January 16, 1991 speech, George H.W. Bush https://history.house.gov/People/Detail/10276 

"more than one small country; it is a big idea; a new world order," with "new ways of working with other nations . . . peaceful settlement of disputes, solidarity against aggression, reduced and controlled arsenals and just treatment of all peoples."

George Bush 1991: 'Our Quest for a New World Order' Pax Universalis


Neoliberalism is the political economy component of the neoconservative project for global domination. The so-called globalization corresponds to the process of implementing a new world order Pax Universalis with the US as its leader and the rentier class (plutocrats and oligarchs) as its "legitimate" beneficiaries.

Globalism has always been hidden in plain sight, a project of unipolar imperialist hegemony.

The new rules-based global order was meant to be managed by a set of international institutions and organizations and controlled by the hard core of western oligarchs and plutocrats counting on the cooperation of satellite states and puppet governments.

The current imbroglio is a consequence of the “big idea” of a new economic-financial, geopolitical and military unipolar world order. The Western citizenry must understand that the current situation results from this project of global domination, or they will fail to frame and comprehend the underlying reasons why politicians, national governments and European institutions function as mere instruments of the Pax Americana with the aim of imposing the Pax Universalis.

Not only we do not understand how we got to where we are, but we will allow ourselves to be embroiled by the official propaganda and will align ourselves with the wrong side of history, which can have catastrophic consequences. The neo-fascist wave grows in Europe resorting to xenophobic, nationalist arguments, exploiting anti-globalist, anti-emigration and anti-wokism sentiments, the current pseudo-progressive banners divert our attention from the class war issues.

As soon as the neo-fascist parties and organizations assume political control, they will not shy away from resorting to violence to eliminate political opposition and dissidents of whatever sort. They will enforce neoliberal policies regarding the implementation of the austerity package. The extreme right is not the solution, they are taking advantage of the saturation generated by decades of fake democracy, and fake liberalism which we never opposed properly and now we are paying the price.

European citizens should concentrate on demanding an end to the war, instead of showing unconditional support for the Natucranian government because that is  recipe for disaster that can run out-of-control like wildfire.

Honest negotiations with the Russians and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations is the minimum that we should be demanding, I do know that honesty is not a relevant value among European politicians and officials, but things can change.

We delegate the future of Europe to a political class with connections to economic interests, duties of allegiance, conflicts of interest, political cowardice, careerism, irresponsible opportunism and agents serving imperialist interests, so what do we expect as result; a better world?

The time is ripe for systemic change, do we want it to happen through a world war that nobody knows how it will end, or do we want to avoid the war by stop supporting those responsible for the calamitous state of affairs?

We may not realize it, but the war for a better world could and should be fought and won by us, the ordinary citizenry, instead of relying on heroes and saviors to bring about the change that actually never happens.

Research as independently as possible. We have nothing to gain from escalating the war, because the only way to stop Russia from "winning" this war would be a coup d'état, regime change operation or similar. If the CIA with or without the support of other intelligence agencies and cutouts managed to overthrow the current government and install a puppet government (Boris Yeltsin type) the West could control and shred the Russian Federation apart and distribute the natural resource (as spoils of war) evaluated on 75 trillion U.S. dollars 2021. https://www.statista.com/statistics/748223/leading-countries-based-on-natural-resource-value/.

In reality an escalation of the war could result in a nuclear holocaust.

“Certainly, it would be a global disaster for humanity; a disaster for the entire world,” Putin said, in an interview for a Russian documentary “The World Order 2018,” adding that “as a citizen of Russia and the head of the Russian state I must ask myself: Why would we want a world without Russia?”


We, Europeans have the responsibility to make a difference and contaminate the rest of the world controlled by the Anglo-American imperialism with the Big Idea - Negotiate instead of demonize.

The G7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, US and EU) must be compelled by their respective citizens to sit at the negotiating table and if the US refuses, then it must be isolated.

If humanity wants to achieve lasting peace, it has to isolate the US and build a new international order. The G7 citizens are co-responsible with their leaders because the G7 countries as a whole have too much influence on global geopolitics for their citizens demarcate themselves as if the matter did not concern them.

Japan, as a US vassal state, is rearming for a future war with China. Do the Japanese agree with this escalation just because they are distracted and deluded like it happens wherever triviality passes for culture and political participation equals following celebrities and influencers.

The depoliticization of society is also a crime against humanity because it leaves psychopathic megalomaniac politicians on the loose, totally unhindered to pursue the most hideous policies.  

Maybe it's time for real change! And once again, we will be led like cattle to the slaughterhouse instead of fighting to lead our own destiny. Humanity was not meant to be led by megalomaniac psychopaths, it is our political inertia that gives them the space they need to shape society in ways that insulate them from accountability.

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2023

"The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." 

Gustave Le Bon


A Non-Theistic Examined Existence and the Search for Spiritual Meaning

I try to understand reality through the principles of a non-theistic humanist philosophy based on the human capacity to lead an ethical existence where compassion and empathy play a crucial role in giving meaning and purpose to a biosociocultural and political being as part of an extended community that includes humans, animals, and nature.

What this really means is that the conduct of human existence in society must be guided by principles and values ​​that actually respect people, animals, plants and the environment in a broad sense instead of the current paradigm in which literally everything is seen as mere resources.

The way we live is intrinsically unsustainable and leads us to believe in the need to accelerate society's technologization process inspired by the most recent theology of salvation, techno-scientism.

About twelve thousand years ago, agriculture was “discovered”, known as the Neolithic Revolution. Over time, agricultural communities became sedentary and with the agglomeration of people, cities emerged. The division of labor and the creation of social classes based on rigid hierarchies became the dominant paradigm that is still in place nowadays, either through the use of deceit and/or the use of violence.

In my view, credulity led people to accept being commanded and controlled by others who deserved their trust.

It turns out that, over time, a group of influential citizens, or even a single megalomaniac psychopath, created for himself a legal system that authorized him to centralize power and a moral code to glorify its functions and idolize him as a godlike figure.

We are still hindered in the paradigm started twelve centuries ago in which we became dependent on "specialized" saviors, deified heroes and shamans endowed with special powers to cure physical, psycho-emotional and "spiritual" problems (misalignments) because they have privileged access to energies, entities and supernatural being and they function as intermediaries between the celestial realms and the world of ordinary mortals.

For earthlings like us, perception (fiction) is more real than reality, designating to individual biases, believers feel relieved and "clean" (spiritual cleansing) with "out-of-body" experiences induced with the use of psychoactive substances and/or ritualized hypnotic trances with(out) the repetition of mantras, prayers or other methods that induce altered states of the human mind.

What we believe greatly conditions individual and group behavior, but what we believe in the form of consciously belief may have less influence on the final calculus of behavioral logic than the beliefs founded on implicit memories that subconsciously shape the biosociocultural identity that really defines who we are.

With this statement I do not intend to deny the relevance of conscious reasoning but rather to put it in perspective so that we can understand in a more integrated and clear way the motivations behind the motives, drives and compulsions translated into adaptive and/or reactive behavioral patterns as responses to environmental requests.

Spiritual practices in general can be beneficial for people, but the "professionals" of the impalpable also exploit the credulity and existential emptiness of common people forced to conform to the rules of a dysfunctional society that generates psychosomatic and psycho-emotional disorders.

Techno-scientism presents itself as the rational alternative to save humanity, the cult requires an unshakable faith in science and technology.

Techno-scientism has a complete set of cultural and ideological instruments at its disposal, but which in the end promise exactly the same as all previous dogmas, believe us because only we have the power to save you.

Salvation requires blind faith and voluntary servitude and for the system to reach maximum efficiency in mass control, transhumanist (bioengineering an enhanced human species) technofascism is the solution.

Life is a holistic process, the need to understand reality in a compartmentalized way makes existence easier, but it that doesn't mean that life should be lived that way. Incidentally, I think this is one of the reasons why our existences managed as disconnected modules, profession, family, personal interests, society, leisure, entertainment and lived without the concern to make sense and have purpose integrated into the wholeness of life.

Everything becomes possible when we do not cultivate a holistic approach to problems and look for solutions rooted in the wider ecosystemic reality.

The societal paradigm and the political economy must be ingrained in the awareness of the impact that individual, institutional, corporate and governmental choices, decisions and actions have on the environment. We cannot pretend that we are ethical beings and simultaneously neglect the consequences that our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors produce in the short, medium and long term, an ethical existence stems from an examined life.

Spirituality is a broad concept that includes a sense of connection with something bigger than ourselves.

Spirituality for many is the search for the meaning of life in the form of something that is beyond life.

For others, spirituality has to be manifested in an existence that makes sense and has purpose while we are alive, regardless of individual beliefs.

Human beings share the feeling of conscious respect that goes beyond what we can rationally understand, this feeling can be defined as spiritual awareness.

It is likely that most people associate spiritual awareness with the sacred and the transcendent. However, there are people who associate spirituality with the feeling of interdependence, belonging and integration in a larger reality called nature, in practice these people seek to systematically and consciously cultivate respect and admiration for all beings that exist regardless of personal preferences and whims.

For many people, spiritual experience is intrinsically associated with belonging to a church, temple, mosque, synagogue, or other congregation.

Others find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power through prayer, meditation, and contemplation.

Others need to believe in extravagant interventions that generally involve the supernatural energies and abilities to solve spiritual malaises rooted in real or fictitious problems related to the physical existence, without the need to face them.

The search for the meaning of life, its purpose and meaning is a personal experience and the notion of spirituality most probably will change and/or “evolve” throughout life with the acquisition of new knowledge and experience.

Spirituality has to start as a moral life project and since no one exists in a social vacuum, the sociocultural environment in which we live and where we have to satisfy the basic needs and enjoy minimum comforts must encourage and reward ethical behaviors.

Society is an artificial system made up of institutions with the function of maintaining social cohesion through the collective recognition of rules, laws, norms and regulations that allow it to function.

The societal paradigm is materialized in the way society is organized and normally reflects the interests of a ruling class that over time create for themselves laws that authorize the exercise of power by normalizing an hierarchical system of classes.

Society as we know it is not a randomly evolving natural ecosystem. It is impossible to control all variables, but society develops and undergoes intentional reforms that take into account the interests of the ruling classes that seek by all means to control society through the accumulation of wealth and the concentration of power.

A society is a political-cultural system supported by a specific model of political economy determining the way people lead their lives.

What we believe, the choices we make and the decisions we take are conditioned by prevailing material, political, ideological and cultural circumstances.

We are under the constant pressure of laws, rules, norms and regulations that shape the way we perceive reality and determine the strategies to satisfy material needs.

The structural laws, rules, norms, values, principles and regulations of any society are implicitly rooted in the neurocognitive system and frame conscious reflections, thinking is never completely free and is always imperfect. I believe in complementarity, quotes like "standing on the shoulders of giants" are misleading because intellectual "progress" is a collective experience, what happens is that some are able to express in a more comprehensive way.

Not even the creative imagination can avoid the influence of the dominant narratives, the means, methods and languages ​​we use are part of the collective heritage and what appears to be a creative expression of a genuine critical position reflects the historical moment in which we live digested by individual idiosyncratic sensibilities in the form of a symbiotic process of personalized experiences.

The point to emphasize is that the dominant narratives (because they are ubiquitous and influence determinately the way we decide and choose) shape a set of responses that become normative patterns, and people make choices and decisions within the limits of these underpinning “objective” parameters.

The cultural, artistic, religious, political, ideological and professional choices, as well as personal preferences in the form of consumption habits, reveal a schizophrenic society in which people resort to cognitive dissonance in an attempt to reconcile universal moral principles and values ​​with the rules and norms of a dysfunctional society.

To a large extent, we conduct our existence trying to reconcile the irreconcilable, that is, we try to raise a part of our being to a higher moral level, pretending that we are capable of separating the wheat from the chaff, while managing the uninterrupted flow of deceptive narratives and cultural pollution that clouds our discernment as we struggle for survival.

There are people who believe that it is possible to live apart from society, to found communities committed to spiritual development. These projects focused on the search for spiritual liberation and holistic harmony with nature are not based on the principle of self-sufficiency, which should be the foundational principle of anyone who wants to live in harmony with nature.

When the spiritual liberation depends on the “importation” of essential and superfluous goods and services to maintain a fake sense of self-sufficiency (autonomy), what we have is a community founded on hypocrisy and for me the sacred principle of any initiative is intellectual honesty, which means that we must assume the factual truth instead of constructing a fiction that is incompatible with basic ethical principles. What we are doing is continuing to resort to cognitive dissonance and even denialism to reconcile the irreconcilable.

This type of community project aims to attract Western citizens disillusioned with the materialistic culture in search of spiritual guidance (retreat) and consequently open to experiences that connect them with supernatural energies and entities.

That's why they turn to people who are apparently imbued with spiritual powers and are willing to use them to free people from earthly shackles, treat spiritual illnesses and clean the body of toxins that obstruct the flow of cosmic energies essential to the discovery of the "true" Self in order of transforming existence into a true spiritual journey.

Imperialism has long sought total domination of planet Earth, we call it civilization, characterized by the growth of cities into megalopolises. Political (global governance), military (global hegemony), economic (global colonialism), financial (global enslavement) and more recently the claim to dominate nature resorting to the financialization of the so-called ecosystem services.

Civilized humans, born, raised and educated (programmed) in the imperialist ideological-cultural mindset are willing to serve special interests through careerism (human resources) to achieve success (wealth & power) operating in a system, called society.

Civilized humans have to live centered on themselves to climb the social ladder leading to an existence devoid of sense of belonging to a broader reality designated by nature.

For the civilized human, nature is an enormous larder preferentiality under private control to exploit and plunder indispensable resources to satisfy the basic needs but also and often with even more disastrous impact to satisfy superfluous "needs", as well as vane and ignominious whims.

All societies are artificial systems, but contemporary societies have reached a level of disconnection and at the same time acquired unparalleled power to control, modify and destroy natural systems, that many people are beginning to question the legitimacy of a morally bankrupt system.

Economic and techno-scientific development in the context of the capitalist system dehumanizes people, transforming us into delusional hypocrites and insensitive cynics. Humans crave honesty, trust, empathy, compassion, simple joy, fairness, and genuine experiences and relationships but we get nothing but deception.

We are not conquerors by nature but we are culturally conditioned to follow, obey, honor and worship the most perverse psychopaths and sociopaths who seize power and resort to violence and propaganda to engage us in their megalomaniac imperialist enterprises.

We have become complaint servants of a system designed and improved to serve the interests of those who control the top of the social pyramid, at the local, regional, national and global level.

If the current course is not changed, we will enter an era of transhumanist spiritual experimentation.

The process of indoctrinating this trend as one more alternative to free us from earthly shackles is already underway. We will have the opportunity to experience techno-levitation, virtual teleportation, transtelepathism and other trans-enhancements to be prepared to live in the limbo between a dystopian world and the metaverse.

The human ability to imagine, design and build artificial systems like complex societies and civilizations can be understood as progress and no one can deny that it has some positive aspects but it also annihilates the within humanity that exists in us.

Disguised as civilized traits, artistic beauty, architectural and engineering achievements, technological marvels, scientific ingenuity and even good manners I feel a deep disconnection with what really means to be human.

Following the precautionary principle in the context of contemporary civilization would be an expression of spirituality, especially when grounded in the refusal to cause unnecessary suffering to humans and animals and to break the cycle of destructive dependence on natural ecosystems to keep the profit-centered system working, where the few accumulate the wealth and the many bear the loss including the larger community called mother Earth.

To achieve this as a society, we need to cultivate simplicity, empathy and compassion as moral pillars of constructive coexistence and creative ingenuity embodied in a living community where justice and trust are structural rules and the institutionalized political economy has codified in law what really deserves to be rewarded and certainly it is not greed, nor disruptive consumption patterns, much less the idolatry of celebrity culture and false entrepreneurship that contribute to the construction of a dystopian world while exploring psycho-emotional weaknesses and  make people dependent on an economic system that is supposed to grow forever.

The unfortunate tendency to uncritically follow the advice of “credible” authorities (largely a class of sophists) scientists, politicians, analysts, journalists, infoentertainers, artists, academics, intellectuals, ideologues, theologians, celebrities, opinion makers and spiritual leaders says more about a top-down organized system than it does about liberation and personal empowerment.

The perpetuation of a system that demands reverence and obedience to established authority and exploits popularity, fame, public projection manufactured by the mainstream media through the repetition of slogans and messages framed in a way to convey messages to shape public opinion.

The manipulation of the perception of everyday life is carried out by the systematic repetition of selected ideas framed in the form of symbolic and metaphorical narratives, to be inculcated as long-term implicit memories functioning as assembling blocks of the biosociocultural identity, a transversal and systemic process that defines who we are and why we are the way we are at every stage of our existence.

The public relations machine draws the necessary illusions to manufacture consent in all strata of society. This is the reality that we have to learn to dismantle and prefabricated solutions for immediate use don’t change the course of history.

Most paths and solutions sold as spiritual liberation fit this paradigm, they are not solutions, they are distractions, surely attractive to a certain type of person, but it takes a huge leap of faith or gullibility to believe that a new spiritual Age will emerge through supernatural intervention.

The blunt truth is that we are on the way of allowing the institutionalization of a transhumanist techno-feudal system, where spirituality will be mediated by AI super-entities.

In the current context, ordinary citizens are practically deprived of political agency, it is a society made up of political aliens who are impotent to actively participate in defining the societal paradigm that best serves the interests of the populations.

Citizens are treated as disposable pawns, living in a limbo between integration and marginalization in a society where technological progress, robotics, automation and AI make humans redundant and useless.

The fabric of society is crumbling before our eyes and a large part of the population lives in denial, believing that the situation will get better.

Others seek explanations and answers by resorting to unconventional sources.

We already knew that imagination knows no limits, but today's civilization discards the notion of limits, ridicules and ostracizes anyone who dares to defend their existence.

Genetic manipulation, bioengineering, biotechnology, bioelectronics, nanotechnology, cybernetics, digital life, metaverse.

The normal state is permanent innovation: artificialize, synthesize, virtualize, digitalize, disconnect, dehumanize and transdehumanize.

Faced with this reality, many people seek comfort, connection and meaning in the paranormal, open their bodies and minds to the intervention of supernatural powers and seek to align what they consider to be the true Self with cosmic energies.

They resort to alternative medicinal practices, yoga classes, spiritual retreats, out-of-body experiences and spiritual cleansing performed by shamans to align themselves with the telluric forces and regain existential harmony.

I have no doubt that the quality of life improves with these practices and life choices, but I also have no doubt that they contribute little to nothing to a radical change in society for the simple reason that they are parallel alternatives in the search for personal well-being and/or alternative family life options.

To radically change the societal paradigm, it is necessary to cultivate political awareness of the problems that affect society to implement a model of political economy in which society, economy and ecology walk side by side, and progress has time to be assimilated and, as innovation does not always mean progress, if we take into account the externalities, that is, their true ecosystemic impacts.

Spirituality, ethics, morals are not distractions to fill free time, they have to be inscribed in the legal code and in the fabric of society.

A society cannot be ethical, moral, just, honest, empathetic and harmonious if the instituted reward system is not based on the rules, principles and values ​​mentioned above so that social activities become an expression of them.

And, furthermore, it is imperative to establish a permanent democratic surveillance system to control and correct the normal tendency of institutional degradation.

Institutions are permeable to the infiltration of less trustworthy citizens who will take advantage of systemic flaws to parasitize and take over the legal mechanisms and over time they will reform and shape them in their favor.

Nothing can be taken for granted and the democratic control of institutions is essential to prevent society from being controlled by particular interests and becoming a machine at the service of oligarchs and plutocrats.

The ruling class over time projects a meritocratic hierarchical system distributing privileges and entitlements to the roles, functions and positions that best serve the consolidation of power and accumulation of wealth at the top of the social pyramid.

Many people believe in the existence of supernatural forces and cosmic energies that can be focused to heal the body and cleanse the spirit.

Shamans, healers, gurus and "professionals" of alternative healing techniques  mediate and use cosmic energies and natural remedies to relieve, heal people that believe in the benefit of this type of experience.

In my view, it is possible that it works in individual cases and restricted realities, but it is implausible that it can be scaled, let alone that it could treat the structural diseases that corrode the social fabric from within.

In the past, civilizations in crisis and collapsing societies went into collective delirium and adopted aberrant behaviors, including practices of human sacrifice (abominable crimes) to appease the divine fury, believing that the shedding of innocent blood would bring back normality. But trying to appease divine fury or resort to supernatural intervention to solve structural problems in complex societies could be identified as delusional denialism.

The profound social malaise, existential nihilism, feeling of disillusionment with a dysfunctional and dystopian society leads people to look for the meaning of life in supernatural forces and cosmic energies emanating from nature itself or from the universe in an attempt to treat physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual troubles to regain the joy of living.

A lesson in spirituality that we should take into account, in order to have a holistic view of societal problems: comprehensive cultural knowledge and intellectual instruments are needed to deconstruct the demagogic PR narratives used by the megalomaniac psychopaths to manipulate public perception and create the necessary illusions to manufacture the collective consent.

For a minority to satisfy insane whims and rule society with an iron fist, the majority must survive on the brink of destitution.

An examined existence is, in my view, a dignified form of spirituality, for those who seek to lead a moral life within a corrupt system have to be more resilient than those who seek the meaning of life in the "immaterial" universe.

After all, our physical existences take place on planet Earth, the physical existence must be valued and complacency with systematically inflicted unnecessary suffering and destruction cannot be tolerated. Confronting the powerful that control society is a liberating moral choice and, to some extent, a spiritual experience.

Nobody lives outside society, we grow and become what we are because we are interdependent social beings and society is our common home, why do we accept the humiliation of having to serve the greedy rentier class? This is rhetorical question and a spiritual challenge?!

sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2023

Why and how Europe will become irrelevant on the world stage

The European Union was created largely to serve as the political arm of the US/NATO, which should come as no surprise to anyone. Those who believe that the US-led West should rule the world with an iron fist in order to perpetuate the unipolar hegemony may find the idea outrageous, but there is evidence that the CIA was involved in the creation of the EU, which in itself should sound the alarm if we were brought up to be critical thinkers, which we are not.

And anyone who dares to defy this order must be squashed like a cockroach. The global governance dictated by the Anglo-American imperialist deep state must be strictly observed to keep the system running as if we were actually experiencing the end of history.

This ideological predominant view among Westerners who live under a permanent barrage of propaganda demonizing any political-ideological alternative that discredits and challenges the existing order: neoliberal financialized capitalism, an instrument to impose the Anglo-American imperialist hegemony.

NATO is an alliance of vassal states that live under the protective hat of the feudal lord. In exchange for loyal collaboration with imperialist dictates the “allied” countries accept to follow the instructions issued by the centralized power to respond in a concerted way t any threat posed to the rules-based hegemonic imperialist order.

In other words, the EU is part of the periphery of the empire and the policy of absolute domination requires the continuous expansion of NATO as the military arm of the empire and the "allies" are obliged to agree and leverage this expansion, highlighting the "invaluable" role of the organization as a promoter of peace in the world.

EU+NATO countries function as satellites of the Anglo-American empire, the Pax Americana is a continuation of the British empire in the emerging power of the USA, “Everything must change so that everything remains the same” by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.

At the end of World War II, the USA, as an emerging superpower, took the reins of pre-existing imperialism in order to consolidate the dominant position conferred by the historical context of the moment. In fact, the British Empire did not fade away, it merged into a new reality called Pax Americana.

I believe it is more and more evident that the EU functions as the political arm of the USA/NATO. European sovereignty is a myth and, by extension, the sovereignty of EU member countries has been hijacked by European agreements, laws, norms and political guidelines that highly undermining national sovereignty.

The dominant political-economic ideology is neoliberalism, which strongly limits independent economic policies in order to defend national interests. “Sovereign” countries are not allowed to challenge the omnipotent neoliberal global order, TINA. Margaret Thatcher favorite slogan "There is no alternative"

Public debt buyers dictate the rules of the game in a reality dominated by a financial dictatorship that harms the real economy, impoverishes the citizenry and is responsible for unparalleled social inequality.

For now; this ideology has the power to seduce and intimidate people with the myths of entrepreneurship and meritocracy when in fact it is destroying the real economy in favor of the FIRE sector and the parasitic rentier class.

Europe, by aligning (submitting itself) with the economic, financial and military international order dictated by the US, jeopardizes diplomatic relations with most non-Western countries and in the long run undermines the geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the EU.

Europe will be limited to have diplomatic relations with the puppet governments willing to harm the national interest to maintain good relations with the neocolonialist powers with mutual benefits.

There are plenty of examples of corrupt governments and brutal dictatorial regimes installed by the US, for as long they are willing to align the national policies with the economic, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of US imperialism.

Europe plays the role of junior partner that will be discarded when it is no longer useful. Currently, we are witnessing the destruction of the fabric of European society justified by the need to escalate the war, because it was an unprovoked war. So, Europeans must unconditionally support the crusade against Russian barbarism, even when in fact we are condemning tens of thousands of Ukrainians to death based on a lie, this war was unprovoked is a blatant lie, nevertheless we have the obligation to believe it.

We are jeopardizing the European economy and everything that goes with it and we don’t even have the right to an open and honest discussion of what is at stake instead we have to accept lame justifications for what and why?

If we dare to lift the curtain maybe we realize that the European Commission is restricted of being an echo chamber of US/NATO dictates? That’s what we deserve?

The vassalage rendered by European countries to the American feudal lord is a losing bet. In the first place, because we neither have European nor national sovereignty. The priority always goes to American imperialist interests because the project of global governance and domination is above the European interests as a whole and of European countries as independent nations.

The countries that oppose Western imperialist hegemony represent the majority of the world's population and, in the current historical context, they are leaving behind the condition of political, economic, financial and geostrategic helpless victims of imperialism. Europe is risking of becoming irrelevant if it chooses to be part of the Pax Americana project.

No one can predict the outcome of the belligerence escalation, the deflagration of the third world war interests whom? How will the US/NATO respond in case the Ukrainians are not able to contain the advance of the Russian military?

Will the US deep state, in the meantime try to ignite a new war focus in Taiwan, so that people have one more source of distraction?

Will the Third World War ever be declared, or will we gradually slip into the abyss and by the time we realize it, it will be too late?

No one knows in what state the planet will be in if the third world war triggers a nuclear conflict, a pertinent question persists: what do Europeans have to gain if the outcome of the current crisis is a nuclear holocaust?

Wouldn't it be preferable to avoid escalation and tell our American "friends" that’s enough and demand the resignation of all European politicians that are committed to escalate the war instead of looking for negotiations to end the carnage?

If the inconsistent rhetoric and blatant lies recurrently used by the European  politicians is sufficient to earn our support, we most probably are damned, beyond salvation.

The escalation of the war and a massive investment in an arms race should not happen without politicians having to fully explain the reasons why we have to follow a path in which we Europeans will always be losers, no matter what the end result of the war. The Russians cannot afford to be defeated, the future of Russia is at stake and the bet of the imperialist neocons is to succeed to extend this war until they manage to destabilize Russia internally.

The delusional denialists represent a large percentage of the European population and this is worrying because they do not realize that supporting the Ukrainian government in power is condemning thousands of Ukrainians to death in a war they cannot win unless the political insanity continues to grow within the European political class, that in any case has to be fought in every possible way by the European people before it is too late.

Agreeing to burning books, burning down churches, whitewashing Nazi groups, and turning a blind eye to crimes against humanity to maintain a unipolar hegemony, i.e., Anglo-American imperialist domination known as globalism or world government, amounts to defending European values, regardless what that really means. The average European citizen has nothing to gain from this, except for those who find it amusing to live in a transhumanist society under a techno-fascist regime ideologically and culturally rooted in techno-scientism. 

The Eurasian continental mass is the future of Europe, Atlanticism represents the past. The time has come for Europeans to realize that the welfare of future generations is no longer in the Atlanticist alliance.

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein. Atlanticism is the way to

self-destruction, why the political class is trapped there is what we have to find out as soon as possible.

If the ordinary European citizen has nothing to gain, neither in the present nor in the future, why do we have to continue on the path of self-destruction? Cui bono?

Political cowardice, ideological entrenchment, divisions and incompatibilities impossible to reconcile, personal interests, threats and blackmail, interference by civil and military intelligence and information agencies serving agendas, corruption, careerism, supremacist arrogance, enough reasons to ignore the signals and let the ship crash against the cliffs hypnotized by the chants of the globalist Mermaids.

The diplomacy conducted by the EU is conditioned by the loyalty owed to the imperialist masters, for me it is clear that there is no real European diplomatic policy. European diplomatic policy is planned and dictated by American interests, it does not matter who the architects are, what counts is who has the power to approve the projects and it is clearly not in the European institutions. If this was not already clear, the European subalternity is now evident and this is unacceptable because Europeans have completely lost the right to decide autonomously.

We are faced with the problem of having people without integrity with high political responsibilities at a critical historical moment, which can have irreversible consequences. Unfortunately, the majority of citizens continue to be carried away by the propaganda of demonization of Russia and China.

Two of the countries with which we must maintain good diplomatic relations because Europe's economic survival depends on the cooperation with emerging economies.

African, South American, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern countries, as sovereign nations or as part of organizations such as the BRICS, represent the future of Europe.

If Europe persists in prioritizing the Atlanticist relationship, the countries that are in the process of freeing themselves from the Western neocolonialist grip (military, economic and financial) will establish relations with the emerging powers. Too many Western citizens strongly believe in the demonization narratives of Russians and Chinese (among others) but the experience of citizens of the global South leads them to be more skeptical than Western audiences. They are aware that the West lies, cheats, steals, occupies, enslaves and kills without showing a sign of repentance.

It is up to us ordinary citizens, at least those who are aware of what is at stake, to somehow try to put an end to the political insanity with which we are confronted.

We cannot continue to be governed by politicians completely sold to the enemy, and let me be clear, in the current situation the enemy is the US/NATO and the faster the Europeans realize this, the sooner we can put an end to the madness.

The war can be fixed diplomatically, Americans without European support cannot continue the war, some East European countries and the Balkan states are likely to maintain the anti-Russian animosity, as for Nordic countries, I only have one thing to say, disgust.

The countries of Central and Southern Europe can and must make a difference by taking a clear political position and forcing the European Commission to change course, because the EU is a union of countries, and if the European institutions are not trustworthy and take decisions against the best interests of Europeans, it is preferable to scrap the EU once and for all. How can we allow the EU Commission to implement policies against European interests and everything remains the same?

After all, the responsibility is ours, we are the ones who have a lot to lose and being cynical does not change the course of history, it is time for political action.

quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2023

How to understand the Brazilian insurrection

Understanding the Brazilian insurrection requires a comprehensive systemic approach, which by the way, should be the default method for understanding most incidents that appear spontaneous.

A closer look reveals the causes and connections that underpin the uprisings exposing a dysfunctional society, where those who control the dominant narratives dictate how people perceive reality, distorting facts and deflecting responsibilities while rationalizing and justifying a deeply unjust social reality.

This type of revolt confirms the success of the continuous barrage of anti-communist propaganda aimed at demonizing the role of the anti-capitalist left, the peasant and indigenous movements fighting for socio-economic justice and political democracy denied since the dawn of the colonial era and exacerbated with the neocolonialist meddling of the United States and the multinational mining corporations.

A convenient alignment of Brazilian business elites, agroindustry, timber industry, extreme right entrenched in police and military forces, administrative and judiciary sectors, and the role of evangelical churches in mass indoctrination explain that only a systemic approach can lead to understanding the insurrection.

It is necessary to take into account the convergence between part (maybe the majority) of the Brazilian elites and the corporate, financial, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of US neocolonialist imperialism.

The US empire never sleeps, whether funding, training, indoctrinating, providing logistical, strategic and tactical support, intelligence and satellite communications, planning public relations campaigns, creating and infiltrating NGOs to function as Trojan horses, incubating coups d'état, color revolutions, false flag and regime change operations.

Probably most people who participated in the attempted coup d'état do not recognize that they are helping the enemy. These people have more to gain than to lose with the Lula government, but since what we believe in is more real than the factual reality, the facts count for little to nothing and much less in moments when the will is carried away by emotional outbursts and group behavior response.

The machine to deceive the masses, like the US imperium, never sleeps. Perception manipulation techniques are more and more sophisticated and ubiquitous, disseminating narratives to fabricate consent, and there cannot be a more efficient public relations strategy than the one capable of convincing the target audience to enlist in the enemy forces.

Unless most insurgents are farmers and loggers, oligarchs and plutocrats, upper-class careerists with corporate interests to defend, right-wing military and law enforcement officers, and evangelical pastors.

Evangelical churches play a crucial role in political-ideological indoctrination aligned with the fascist right. Credulous people become easy prey for evangelical pastors as they preach the prosperity gospel, exploiting and manipulating psycho-affective weaknesses of citizens who seek moral and spiritual support while trying to find personalized solutions to systemic problems.

Brazil's problem, leaving aside the idiosyncrasies of Brazilian society, is the malignant tumor that needs to be excised: globalized neoliberal capitalism, including the financialization of the economy and the open economies enabling resource predation and unregulated financial investment.

A unipolar rules-based neocolonialist order controlled by the West, primarily by the Anglo-American financial imperialism, must end and give way to a multipolar order among sovereign states that cooperate in the context of an INDEPENDENT international legal order.

This is the reality that ordinary Brazilians need to understand and that they will not hear from evangelical pastors. I remember here the quote by Dom Helder Câmara "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." to emphasize that people like Bolsonaro are false patriots, in fact they are true traitors, because there can be no greater betrayal than harming the people and the national interest by handing over control of national wealth to foreign interests and there is no greater threat to the well-being of any nation than the US Deep State.

domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2023

Freedom of choice in a make-believe culture

A culture that idolizes Hollywood actors, pop music artists, infotainment show hosts, sports heroes, that turns into celebrity whoever can function to promote the American cultural colonialism, exceptions confirming the rule that everything must be done to feed the make-believe culture, a culture of massive deception to manufacture consent.

These exceptions are exploited ad nauseam as role models to feed the illusion that success is not only possible, but that it only depends on individual self-determination, self-discipline and character. Thus, personal, professional and business success depends exclusively on personal will, regardless of social origin, realistic economic-financial possibilities and systemic constraints.

Sports heroes, entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, media personalities, influencers and many others are useful tools to motivate ordinary people to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams.

These personalities, who often have prominent social, business, artistic and sporting roles, can be, to a certain extent, examples to be followed, but the main political-cultural role of this class of people is to entertain and divert the attention of the spectator/consumer citizen. of the true causes of the problems that corrode contemporary society, resorting to the solutions of the make-believe culture with the purpose of manufacturing consent. This should be obvious, but it isn't.

We can all be examples to follow, as long as our conduct is motivated and governed by universal principles of justice and honesty.

Compassion and empathy must be inscribed in the code of conduct of everyday life to reward fair and honest behavior, otherwise we have to resort to cognitive dissonance to deal with reality.

If mere survival, socio-professional success, personal and/or business interests oblige us to leave the fundamental principles and values ​​at the door of the office, factory, shipyard, building site, science lab, courtroom, parliament, university, hospital, etc. we should consider that we live in an intrinsically corrupt and evil system.

Citizens are conditioned and coerced to “cooperate” with a system tailored to serve the interests of the ruling classes. The process of cultural indoctrination works through constant cultural-ideological  programming to prevent episodes of rejection and revolt or at least keep them sporadic and localized in order to be easily neutralized.

A reality that could and should be replaced is accepted as normal through habituation and a process of cumulative adaptation that culminates in most citizenry believing that humanity is incapable of implementing a better, fairer and more sustainable societal system.

A society based on economic justice, social equality, participatory politics, frugality, simplicity and a deep connection with nature. Techno-scientific advances must follow the precautionary principle, corporate greed, geopolitical agendas and geostrategic interests are the wrong motives behind much of the scientific research and the technological development representing a threat rather than sustainable and balanced solutions for the problems humanity faces.

Agendas determine outcomes, evil agendas will give evil outcomes.

The power principle, the profit motive and the corporate interests centered on accumulating wealth, dominating peoples and territories, controlling natural and mineral resources ensured by a global centralized monetary and financial system symbolize business as usual, what kind of outcome can we expect?

The growing investment in weapons (militarist escalation) with all the negative implications associated with the process portends an inauspicious future for humanity and the biosphere. And we, the citizenry (consumers/spectators) hope for the best!

Which means that we lack political agency and the basic galvanizing capacity to design strategies of organized resistance, which clearly demonstrates how we have been instrumentalized by the powers that be to transform ourselves into our worst enemies, divided, confused and deluded, unable to intervene in the present and shape the future history of mankind. As time went by, we become the useless and disposable class and I don't sense the desire to resist and change the course of events.

This system resorts to systematic propaganda as a means to encourage connivance and complicity in order to ease integration into society.

Deep down, we are encouraged to abdicate the traits of humanity that characterizes human condition in order to have a successful climbing of the social ladder.

A "voluntary" disruptive process of our humane condition as a way to deserving privileges, entitlements that allow us to get closer to the sociopaths and psychopaths that inhabit the top of the pyramid and control the show.

Serving power to fulfill objectives, turning a blind eye to the most sensitive cases, as an old Portuguese saying goes: “tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are”. Step by step we imitate those we serve and little by little we become just another metastasis of the existing cancer that will end up killing the host (humanity and the planet) after atrocious suffering.

The current system coerces the citizenry to “choose” between successful integration (an increasingly restricted option), competition for crumbs (the most common) or indigence (in full growth).

Voluntary submission requires the alienation of values ​​and structuring principles that form the core of the human condition to make socio-professional integration less traumatic. Education is mainly a long process of suppression of what means to be a human being to become a domesticated desensitized tool to serve a sick system.

The educational system is designed to format young citizens in order to facilitate their integration into the "labor market". A market for human resources distributed among various castes and sub-castes, rewarded according to the relevance of the functions to be performed.

In the other hand, the professional activities that are most useful to society and least harmful to the environment are also the least valued.

The reward is linked to the "usefulness" that each activity, function or role performed has for the chain of control, the more power and wealth added to the top of the social pyramid, the more generous the reward will be. The system is obviously designed to defend the interests of the rentier class (deep state) that represents the top of the social hierarchy and controls society as a whole.

A system that rewards ambitious careerists, exacerbates the role of the innovative entrepreneur and legitimizes greed should not be tolerated but for many seems to deserve veneration and glorification.

Furthermore, ordinary people are encouraged to idolize and emulate the exceptions, especially celebrities who achieve fame, quick success and flaunt luxurious and/or exotic lifestyles, sports heroes, actors and artists.

A mass phenomenon that feeds the dreams of many and fills the bank accounts of a few, a secret kept out in the open but which, in any case, remains oblivious to many. Dreams command life (said the poet) but some dreams reduce existence to voluntary servitude while the exceptions rule the world, profit with it and keep us in the dark.

The media exploitation of celebrity culture has the function of distracting the public from what really matters.

And what really matters is a balanced, fair and sustainable community. A prosperous society across the board, instead of a society that uses exceptions as an example of what has no possibility of becoming reality, but which serves to feed delusional dreams that are nothing more than dead ends.

Wealth and power used as tools of mental and material control of entire populations should never be idolized and emulated as paradigms reproducible by the masses. They are unrealistic, time consuming and absorb energies that should be concentrated on creating counter-narratives and resistance.

The many have nothing to gain from uncritical veneration and if it is true that we are all susceptible to distraction, we cannot allow distraction to become a state of permanent alienation because that is the “option” that the upper echelons of the social hierarchy want us to do.

Dissenting voices are truth tellers who often put their personal well-being at risk to expose individuals, organizations, institutions, corporations and governments responsible for harmful and/or criminal activities, initiatives and policies that only benefit special interests.

Dissident voices are censored, harassed, arrested and even eliminated to become an example not to be followed. 

Do we value a comprehensive systemic analysis of what society really is or do we let ourselves to be seduced by fictional narratives that sell us an idea of ​​society as a system constituted by the random amalgamation of individualized choices?

Every existing society is an integrated system of multiple subsystems with different types of institutions controlled by interests and agendas designed and programmed without any involvement of ordinary citizens.

And we are convinced that this is democracy!

What is more valuable to society?

A comprehensive critical analysis or an elaborate program justifying the reward criteria assigned to citizens based on their role in the social hierarchy, rather than based on actual usefulness to society.

Democracy as it exists is a farce. Freedom of expression and movement, the right to free and fair elections, equality before the law and access to justice are guaranteed in theory and enshrined in national constitutions, but it is increasingly evident that society as a whole doesn’t benefit with it and the common citizenry is being pushed to the margins of society and stripped of fundamental rights while being classified as disposable people.

The existing “democratic” regimes, governed by technocrats and corrupt politicians controlled by the rentier class (oligarchs and plutocrats), somehow have our best interests at heart. In fact what this permanent class (deep state) pursues is absolute domination of the sources of wealth and centers of power. What this class has in mind is to strip ordinary citizens of all social and political rights through cultural imbecilization.

The role of democracy is to give citizens the opportunity to choose between the lesser of two evils! Or, alternatively, a colorful menu, to further confuse the voter?!

No, democracy has to be a shared form of power, political, economic and social. Democracy is incompatible with discrepancies in power between different groups, classes and institutions because, over time, people inserted in specific groups representing a set of particular interests develop a legal system that authorizes the concentration of power and the accumulation of wealth. in the hands of the few and create a moral-cultural narrative/code that glorifies the system, which ordinary people must revere as genuine democracy, because we have political regimes legitimized by the ballot box. Other citizens choose a cynical approach and let problems aggravate to the point of no return, which is exactly where we are right now.

Individual success does not depend exclusively on the sum of conscious choices that each one of us makes throughout life but on the confluence, intersection and combination of influences and circumstances transformed into personal experiences initiated within the family context and extended to the sociocultural environment that nowadays includes the electronic means. A multiplicity of factors and variables ​combined and recombined form the system of implicit and explicit memories that represent the cognitive-affective backbone that shapes personality and character plus the singular idiosyncratic traits.

Individual experience is a dynamic process in which conscious and independent choice plays a very limited role, but is crucial and should not be cultivated.

A complex living organism with the characteristics of the human being has to solve the problems of the present based on past experience and acquired knowledge, projecting the possibilities and expectations that the future can bring while adapting to existing circumstances.

Besides that, there is an army of public relations professionals committed to creating narratives with the aim of shaping the way we perceive the reality. How we interpret the past and project the future, that is, each of us has the staggering task of digging through layers of lies where past, present and future are amalgamated in narratives intended to frame the perception of reality to manufacture acceptance of whatever order the ruling elite intends to impose.

The choices we make are influenced by information designed, framed, produced and propagated by experts, analysts, academics, researchers, media personalities, opinion makers, celebrities and so on... masters on the art of manipulating public perception to manufacture consent.

If you believe you are immune to the manipulative propaganda produced by the brightest minds available in the academic, scientific and cultural human resources market who put their talents at the service of the ruling class that controls the dissemination of propaganda for their own benefit then I have a bridge to sell you.

Capitalist ideologues defend freedom of choice as the epitome of democratic freedoms.

The choices we make occur in a per-existing system, at best we have the right to choose from menus, catalogues, lists or other formularies presented to us on the assumption of informed consent, because freedom of choice must be complemented with the duty of responsibility.

But what is the effective meaning of freedom of choice?

If it is not accompanied by freedom of creative divergence and the right  to dissent and demand a different system and the right to fight to make it become reality, it is not freedom of choice is “freedom” to comply.

The freedom of choice presented by neoliberal ideologues, among others, is the “freedom” to conform to an immutable reality, TINA.

If there is no alternative, freedom of choice is a myth, an illusion in which entire societies live submerged, waiting for some political miracle to rescue them from the bottomless neoliberal pit.

It is easy to hold people accountable for the choices they make, as long as one ignores that people do not choose in a political, economic and sociocultural void.

Personal choices always reflect dominant ideological-cultural narratives because societies are not neutral environments, individual choices have collective repercussions following motivations that were planted in supposedly free minds.

It is essential to create homogeneous responses through diversified offer, conditioning individual behavior using group social psychology techniques, inducing predictable and malleable behaviors of present and future choices as spectators/consumers because that is what democracy and free choice seems to be about.