terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2023

Ecosocialism matters and why we should care

A legal society with separation of powers and democratic institutions. A stateless society is completely incompatible with current reality. The ecosocialist political economy system is able to satisfy basic human needs, implement social justice and ensure environmental protection but cannot do so in the absence of the state.

Society is a complex system that has to guarantee individual freedoms and systemic integrity based on democratic legality through institutions that guarantee territorial, cultural, social and political unity.

A complex system formed by a diversity of geographically separated communities needs to have institutions that guarantee functional stability and provide guidelines for the national sociocultural identity. Human behavioral responses are shaped by the instituted reward and punishment system and institutions guarantee the homogeneity of adaptive behavior, since it is part of the collective identity.

The system of rewards and penalties serves to regulate behavior and normalize the way citizens relate to each other.

The rules are assimilated and start to operate implicitly, that is, they condition the responses without the need to resort to conscious analysis.

The design of the system of rewards and punishments greatly influences individual and collective behavior and becomes invisible to the eyes of most natives of a society.

The capitalist system has a reward system based on individualistic and corporatist interest.

Privileges are accepted and extolled as meritocratic achievements even if the trail is deplorable.

The ends justify the means even when the means are identified as harmful.

The reward and punishment system determines the type of society we live in, what must have been taken into account when choosing what matters most to society and what should be avoided and always be alert to undesirable deviations, eventual attempts to pervert the rules and other anomalies, because it is the common well-being and integrity of the system that is at stake. Democratic surveillance has to be constant.

Most people agree that stealing, killing, threatening, violating, assaulting, enslaving, bribing, coercing, exploiting must be punished morally and legally.

But society is not spontaneously “moral”, it has to be designed to stimulate moral behavior that should never depend on the individual's exclusive will. The current system must encourage and reward "positive" moral behavior. A society that only fears punishment as a means of encouraging virtuous behavior is a hypocritical society.

To have a functioning society, we need to choose a model of political economy and a sociocultural paradigm that normalizes "positive" behavior not by mere individual moral choice, but because the system is programmed to reward moral behavior by reinforcing "positive" conditioning. An example of “positive” conditioning is when honest behavior is rewarded, not when the legal system has loopholes that can be used by lawyers to protect their corrupt corporate clients, which confirms the moral bankruptcy of the current capitalist system.

It is unequivocally fallacious to believe that choices and decisions, whether individual, family, institutional, corporate or governmental, are made in the abstract or in denial of the system in which they occur. It would never occur to any human being living in a natural environment to conduct his life based on the illusion that the decisions he makes are disconnected from the environment in which he lives. Society is the "natural" environment in which we have to make choices and decisions based on our ability to identify patterns, opportunities to thrive, long-term threats or imminent danger. Pretending that the circumstances and the way the system is organized do not condition the perception of reality and influence the choices we make is simply delusional.

Believing that responsibility lies with the individual, as if society exerts none influence is simply delusional.

The capitalist system tries hard to enforce the principle of individual responsibility for all the choices and decisions made individually as if society is a neutral environment.

The winners share the trait o living with focus   Individual accountability stems from the denial of the existence of the collective designated by society. Only the individual matters, society is nothing more than the sum of independent individuals and individual success is the result of individual perseverance, regardless of the benefits that society, the family, the community provide to each of us at all stages of life. our existence.

Ecosocialism is a vision for a society in harmony with nature and the implementation of a political economy to achieve it. Society and the economy are subsystems of the biosphere and must follow the precautionary principles to avoid causing irreparable damage to ecosystems that compose the biosphere.

Civilization is characterized by the expansion of settlements known as cities. The expansion of cities requires resources that have to be collected further and further away, in territories occupied by other human communities.

The destruction of ecosystems for the extraction of resources and raw materials to build useless megalomaniac projects to satisfy the hedonistic whims of the alienated class installed at the top of the social pyramid should never be a reason for veneration and a sign of civilizational progress.

Ecosocialism is a political system of governance that seeks social, economic and ecological justice. Capitalism is a model of political economy that generates inequality, exploitation, over-consumption and waste. Capitalist societies are class based systems that encourage private control of the means of production and requires the infinite expansion of the real and/or financialized economy and, as a consequence, the plundering of natural resources and the exploitation of human resources is inevitable.

Ecosocialism seeks to draw inspiration from indigenous peoples living in classless societies and having economic models in harmony with nature.

Popular wisdom, traditional production methods and genuine self-sufficient societies continue to be examples to take into account.

Technoscientific development makes us dependent on convenience and technoscientism leads us to believe in the arrogant omnipotence of technoscience to solve all of humanity's problems, including the creation of transhumans.

Capitalism exacerbates the problem, but productivist socialism also fails to address the problem with the seriousness it deserves.

Techno-scientific development must be restricted to the precautionary principle and serve social, economic and ecological justice, and this can never happen within the framework of a capitalist society.

Ecosocialism needs to gain adherents on a global scale and must function as a unifying platform for sociocultural movements, environmentalist organizations and political parties with ideological differences but common goals.

Ecosocialism does not imply social impoverishment, but the development of awareness that the consumer society as it is globally disseminated will never be sustainable, regardless of techno-scientific advances.

Green capitalism creates false expectations, necessary illusions to manufacture consent and maintain the prevailing order.

It is possible to reduce consumption and still have better quality of life.

The cultural shift towards simpler lifestyles focused on individual development instead of hedonistic individualism.

Giving preponderance to local economies, self-sufficiency and food sovereignty.

Local resources must not be depleted to serve external interests. Economic activities to meet national needs must be given priority to build resilience. More transfer of knowledge and technology and less imports/exports. The current reality of international trade is neither in the interests of national populations (with exceptions) nor the protection of the environment. If we want resilient societies we must end the current international financial system. Depending on international financiers to develop national economies is normalizing neocolonization and enslavement by debt.

The function of a central government is to execute the political program approved by a system of direct democracy which means permanent scrutiny. Local and regional political actors make decisions based on popular assemblies and participatory politics.

There must be national consensus when it comes to infrastructure investments, construction of dams, roads, railways, natural resources extraction and any other form of intervention that has long-term impacts and/or implies landscape changes.

The affected communities (in case of unavoidable negative impacts) have to be appropriately compensated.

The ecosocialist political economy must follow the principles of participatory economy and encourage cooperativism.

Profit-driven competition-based political economies with unlimited economic growth lead to dysfunctional societies and ruin the biosphere. It is imperative to recognize limits, humanity has lived for tens of thousands of years respecting nature boundaries. The so-called civilized cultures created mythical narratives emphasizing mankind superiority, a dichotomous reality of human culture in one side and the reality of beasts and the natural vastity of raw materials to be plundered, controlled and owned, in the other side.

A profit-based productivist economy is inherently dysfunctional because, on the one hand it exacerbates superfluous consumption, and on the other hand, over time it tends to be controlled by unscrupulous sociopaths who, to benefit personal, class or corporate interests, they are willing to use an iron fist to maintain and reinforce acquired privileges unleashing unnecessary suffering through social inequality while destroying the biosphere.

Trade, whether local, regional, national or international, must have as its main objective the satisfaction of basic needs. The production of superfluous products, goods and services must be regulated taking into account the negative impacts on ecosystems and local communities. Natural resources and raw materials have to be extracted from somewhere and the ecological footprint cannot be neglected in the name of progress.

The pursuit of progress does not justify causing irreversible damage to ecosystems and human communities. In fact, the progressivist cult is often used to promote neoliberal capitalist policies such as the current propaganda of green capitalism and the financialization of ecosystem services, yet another fraud with the intention of perpetuating the system and the classes that control it.

Democratic discussion and intellectual honesty are fundamental to find comprehensive solutions, it will never be possible to have a sustainable society and at the same time keep a capitalist system dependent on economic growth to survive because most of the new money that enters the economy is created through debt in the form of bank credit. The current financial system is a fraud, and unless we try to understand how the financial system really works, we will feel compelled to continue believing in the TINA dogma.

The ecosocialist political economy has to be designed to respect the fundamental rights of people, animals and the biosphere.

The ecosocialist paradigm is based on a political economy that puts social well-being and ecological balance first.

Individual freedoms are not absolute, but the rules and boundaries must be established democratically.

The capitalist ideology intends to confuse freedom with legal property rights, in practice freedom in the capitalist context serves to protect property, presented as a universal right, but which actually serves to defend the interests of the plutocratic class at the top of the social hierarchy.

Profit maximization, corporate monopolization, resource grabbing, perpetual debt enslavement and the aim of absolute domination is the wet dream of the globalist capitalist class.

The damage caused to humanity and the biosphere is relativized because the supreme objective is “economic development” for capitalist neocolonial imperialist domination.

The demonic spiral of exploitation of labor and plundering of the environment for the benefit of a small fraction of the population made up of unscrupulous sociopaths cannot continue, but productivist socialism and the socialist version of capitalist consumer society, is not a solution either. It may be less pernicious, but if social well-being and the political economy have to depend on constant techno-scientific development as a kind of end in itself that takes us further and further away from our origins and, in the end, humanity as a whole , or what remains of it, will end up trapped in a transhumanist societal dystopia.

Local communities must control the means of production and "private" enterprise must never acquire control over the community because that is the path to capitalist degeneration.

At first it may seem innocuous, but whenever a family, group or organization manages to acquire legal control of property over time, that reality will be transformed into the prevailing legal system and a moral code will be created to glorify that reality.

A political economy based on accumulating wealth at the top of the social pyramid and legalizing inheritance to perpetuate power, influence and ownership within a family lineage completely destroys the sense of community, and once is culturally indoctrinated it will become the norm accepted by the majority.

Whenever a group of people in a community acquires enough influence to elude the rest of the community about the benefits of private property ownership, society becomes unequal and unjust and will end up controlled by ambitious sociopaths and megalomaniac unscrupulous psychopaths that will always push their agendas forward in the attempt to accumulate more wealth and concentrate more power.

Over time, all class-based societies advance a sophisticated system of attributing privileges and entitlements to roles and functions that best defend the interests of the ruling class, guaranteeing control of public institutions and the conduct of public policies by the privileged minority. .

Political agency is critical and ordinary citizens become political pariahs when they lose it, and that is what happens when capitalism becomes the dominant force.

The focus of the economy is to provide essential goods and services. Conspicuous consumption of superfluous products, goods and services needs to be reduced and consumerist culture must be characterized as a cultural malaise. Consumerism was created by capitalism to stimulate consumption habits through the exploitation of self-indulgence.

The advertising and marketing PR companies resort to increasingly sophisticated psychological manipulation techniques to shape consumption habits, exploit the lack of self-esteem and instigate conspicuous consumption s the path to happiness. The consumer/spectator acquires habits that evolve into dependencies that can cause psycho-affective disorders.

The need to possess and the desire to consume have to be mitigated by a cultural change that implements the active search for a meaningful and purposeful existence. The need to satisfy basic needs and the right to moderate “consumption” of non-essential goods, such as culture, art, sports, leisure should serve to make us citizens more conscious of our role in society instead of voluntary serfs obsessed with the conspicuous consumption of superfluous and useless goods and services that over time will turn us into dependents on convenience.

Societies are not balanced systems by fiat. Societies may seem balanced because we can design and program institutions to shore up a dysfunctional society and prevent it from falling apart, but we are fooling ourselves and sooner or later we will be faced with its collapse.

When the main institutions of a society are programmed to satisfy economic needs and social well-being, justice, equality and the protection of the biosphere, we can say that society responds organically to the challenges that are placed before it. On the other hand, unjust and polarized societies, with extreme social inequality, make repression, violence and crime inevitable and accepted as part of reality. It turns out that the human and material resources needed to maintain a false state of stability could be used to mitigate the real causes of the problem and completely change the profile of the society, but the ruling classes, once installed, always justify the use of violence and terror to maintain control of wealth, property and power.

We must be aware that the world is in transition and from the current turbulence very different realities may emerge and we, ordinary citizens, have to play an active role (political agency) in choosing the model of political economy and civilization for the next generations.

On the one hand, we have techno-scientism believers who defend a model of society in which science and technology are sovereign. The advocates of techno-scientism want an unrecognizable society, including the intention to bioengineer the human species, on the one hand we have financial capitalism dominated by Anglo-American imperialism, China is a relatively decentralized one-party state.

Chinese authorities guide market forces and state-owned enterprises through long-term planning, which means that "communist" China is obliged to adopt technoscientism in order to compete with western imperialist forces. Countries like China, part of the BRICS group, have as the only means to face the hegemonic Machiavellianism of western imperialism the techno-scientific development including militarily so as not to be annihilated by the Americans and allies.

The so-called rules-based international order, that is, globalized neoliberal capitalism based on the financialization of the economy by institutions, organizations and corporations controlled by Western countries and supported by the American military machine with the support of vassal countries, especially those that constitute the G7 group. thing that needs to be done is to let the markets function in total freedom, financial capitalism and the financialization of ecosystem services is the hat of technoscientism and possible transhumanist technoscientism fascist dystopia.

Citizens who enjoy economic and financial autonomy tend to rationally justify the privileges they enjoy based on the mythology of hard work meritocracy.

As is the case of anarcho-capitalists and libertarians who confuse freedom with the deification of private property and market freedom. Capitalism represents the power to use money to "buy" other people's freedom, basic, superfluous, useless and luxury products and goods, as well as the provision of services are guaranteed by maintaining a reserve of citizens in a state of necessary deprivation, citizens given the means to live are a reserve of servants and peons to serve the upper classes.

The ecosocialist political economy is based on the recognition of social interdependence, the survival of human communities has always depended on this interdependence, the cult of individualism and the legal institution of private property ownership always lead to tyranny and dehumanization, with the family as the basic legal cell of society, gradually the community becomes a system of subjugation, those who control the land and the means of production acquire the power to subjugate others and codify the right to do so in law, and morally and culturally enhance the justification for doing so. to do, it is no coincidence that the most unequal societies are also those that by all means propagate narratives designed to demonize the poor, guilt and shame are often used as an instrument of individual or class accountability as a way of exploiting social stigma and justifying ostracization and exclusion.

The extreme form of today's capitalism, neoliberalism allows for unlimited capital accumulation, the commodification of everything, the ruthless exploitation of labor and nature in an environment of brutal competition, undermining the possibility of hope in a future in which humanity and nature can coexist.

Humanity faces an extreme systemic threat that must be tackled with systemic change, the proposals of green capitalism are a package of elaborate deceptions wrapped in rosy make believe future by the PR industrial complex to manufacture consent.

Ecosocialism is a radical alternative to green capitalism and productivist socialism.

Techno-scientific progressivism uses economic growth as a defining element of well-being, which has to be replaced by non-monetary criteria, such as the satisfaction of basic needs with the ultimate goal of social justice, individual democratic freedoms and protection of the biosphere.

Ecosocialism had to transform itself into the unifying ideology of leftist thought to become a consensual radical political alternative.

The ecosocialist political economy is based on an economic development program that includes the principles of democratic ecological planning with priority given to

satisfy basic needs, defend social equality and protect the environment.

Capitalist political economy is designed to use financial markets as instruments to extract wealth from the real economy and funneled it to the rentier class at the top of the social ladder.

This reality is pernicious from whatever angle we look at it and it has to be abolished because it is incompatible with the exercise of democracy.

Ecosocialism, or any other system that aims to govern a society, depends on a centralized planning mechanism to function. Anyone who believes that societies as we know them can function without some form of centralized planning does not understand the complexity of the variables that are at stake in the management of a modern society. Centralized planning is essential, but it requires democratic control. It is on democratic control mechanisms that we have to focus, after finding solutions that guarantee the functioning of society.

Localist internationalism, ecosocialist glocalism, an internationalist cooperative movement based on respect for national sovereignty and local autonomy for the promotion of participatory economics.

Ecosocialism is a system of political, social and ecological economy governed by direct and/or participatory democracy to ensure democratic control of institutions at all levels of government, regional and local. The consumer society has to be replaced by a balanced, fair and equitable society, comfort and good living are equivalent to ostensive, conspicuous, superfluous and iniquitous consumption.

The social, economic and financial reward system, in addition to having to include the so-called ecological footprint as one of the gauges of products, goods and services approved or banned for consumption. Honesty, integrity and a sense of belonging to the community as an extension of the family must also be part of rewarded behaviors.

The pursuit of profit distorts the real value of products, goods and services because advertising and marketing are excellent at creating artificial needs and stimulating superfluous and unnecessary consumption without adding anything positive to individual existence, in fact it is easier to bring new problems .

Presently, many citizens, including those most harmed and exploited by the current system, are led to believe that they are entitled to a freedom that they do not have in practice, because they live in the realm of aspiration, waiting for the day when dreams of possessing/enjoying certain goods, products and services will materialize.

Some sub-sectors of the economy have to be suppressed or radically restructured, due to the ecological destruction, but because in many cases they are completely useless. The economy will be oriented towards the production of goods, products and services that add something positive to people's lives, but always respecting the dignity of other people's work, the way we occupy the territory, land management, respect for the environment and concern for animal welfare, economic growth is a misleading gauge because it is based on the "wealth" produced, recorded economic transactions and not on the welfare generated, nor on the qualitative value related to the satisfaction of basic needs.

The usefulness of the economy is not to guarantee full employment, but to guarantee the production of goods, products and services to satisfy society's needs. A system of redistributive equality that guarantees social justice and environmental protection, so that the citizen can dedicate the maximum amount of time to activities and projects that give genuine meaning and purpose to his life in accordance with the knowledge and experience in each phase of existence .

Every citizen has to contribute his share to satisfy society's needs and by needs I don't mean pseudo needs. Careerism, excluding some specializations that are really useful to society, is a way of shoring up the system by resorting to the use of meritocratic mythology to justify the undeserved privileges and entitlements associated with professions and roles that actually only exist to defend the status quo and in certain cases its function is merely decorative

The complete abolition of private control of the means of production must always be in the equation, but small-scale, community-controlled private activities may be permitted.

Resources, companies and infrastructure, as well as scientific and technological research.

State existence is essential to maintain national cohesion, implement geopolitical diplomacy and international cooperation.

Anarchism defends the abolition of the State but in the current historical and political context it seems impossible to me to achieve.

The banking sector must always be public and monetary and fiscal policy, the creation and allocation of money must be completely under the control of the State.

The so-called markets should be eliminated, they are not necessary for anything and if we got where we are, we can thank him for the fact that society as a whole allowed the process of financialization of the economy by Anglo-American financial imperialism.

It is possible to create a "neutral" currency to facilitate commercial exchanges and cooperation between states, but the eventual institutions and organizations that may be created have to be shielded against the possibility of being hacked by private, corporate, state or other interests.

Education and health have to be public and decentralized, with the exception of services where this is not economically, socially or ecologically viable.

Scientific research must be public and follow a plan of true public utility under the precautionary principle and with the aim of serving a political economy in which the economy is a subsystem of the biosphere.

A society is made up of multiple communities aggregated in regions with specificities that have to be respected. Democratic political power has to be decentralized and participatory with the direct involvement of citizens in the process of evaluating and selecting projects and setting objectives for society as a whole. A democratic society cannot have masters and servants, the nation, the country and the state form a unit of equals and a system of vertical hierarchy is not synonymous with better management and organization of society.

A system of democratic law can enforce law and order without relying on a system of privileges and perks that over time encourage careerism and corrupt institutions, direct democratic scrutiny, effective political agency on the part of ordinary citizens educated to be aware of its interventional role as a political actor and not as a consumer/spectator.

The current system is controlled by a group of oligarchs and plutocrats (rentier class), from top to bottom, each rung, level of the social ladder is occupied by individuals, groups and organizations that benefit from privileges and rewards proportional to the role they play in maintaining and reinforcement of the status quo.

The defense of interests and the perpetuation of the power of the elites at the top of the social pyramid is the main objective of the existence of society itself contributing, the cohesion of the system must be maintained at any cost.

We cannot choose the social reality in which we grew up, we are educated to subconsciously internalize the ideological narratives that conceptually, morally and aesthetically support the established order and teach us to idolize the actors and authorities who are presented to us as examples to follow. The system is sold as an organic reality, which evolves based on free, random and multidimensional interaction and interdependencies in pursuit of the individual and group need to survive (homeostatic regulation).

The truth is that human societies are shaped and guided by well-defined interests, until now the elites have not been able to effectively control all the variables involved in the process of manufacturing society in the image and likeness of the elites' desire, but the current techno-scientific development may create the material conditions for this to happen, it remains up to the exploited classes to challenge the powerful and take control of society. “Power grants nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” -Frederick Douglass

Investment priorities and structural projects have to be decided democratically.

Projects with multi-generational impact require informed democratic debate, scientific knowledge is placed at the service of the public interest instead of being kept under lock and key under rights and patents in defense of private interests that are never independent, when do we start to realize that the state is that it guarantees the private interest as it happens in public-private partnerships in which the public interest is intentionally put in the drawer. Public interest, public ownership and public services are the backbone of genuine democracy, how is it possible that we continue to believe that private control of the economy, property and social services is compatible with democracy.

The public interest must be public.

Doing justice means defending the truth, a system is only fair when it guarantees equal access and treatment. Justice is only independent and reliable under conditions of socioeconomic equity and at the service of democracy and the common good.

Honesty should be one of the main pillars of society, human behavior is conditioned by the rules that govern material reality, not by the fictional "reality" written on paper.

If to survive and achieve success requires double standards, we become hypocrites and resort to cognitive dissonance to manage opposing sets of belief systems, intellectual dishonesty becomes the default behavior and voluntary submission a way of life, licking our boots superiors to climb the social ladder. This type of behavior does not explain the nature of the human condition, which is plastic and adaptable, but it does explain the way society is organized and how much this can shape and corrupt human behavior. People's lives are literally commanded by the rules of political economy, the biosociocultural identity is calcified based on the constant reinforcement of the dominant narratives that dictate what is right and what is wrong, guilt and shame, punishment and reward, privileges supported in ideological-cultural prejudices.

Political decentralization in order to improve the democratic functioning of society has to replace representative democracy because those who are actually represented are the elites. The current state of degradation of the so-called democratic institutions must make us more demanding and participatory, cynicism and apathy serve the politicians who are using us to legitimize unpopular and undemocratic political measures, electoral programs are completely disrespected, lying has become if the current currency and step by step, neo-fascism gains ground, when we realize it, it may be too late.

The law of supply and demand works in an ideal market, a periodic encounter between independent producers exposing their products and services and buyers/consumers in search of satisfying their needs. The value of the product/service is balanced based on the dynamics between supply and demand. The capitalist class has the power to pervert the laws of the market, and to use/false the instruments of the market to create monopolies and form cartels to fix prices and manipulate markets.

Capitalism's success boils down to its ability to generate artificial scarcity (market manipulation) to not only increase profits, but to force ordinary citizens to fight for a place in the sun. Most will fight their entire lives for the mere right to survive so that a small group can join the club of the successful and the success myth of capitalism can continue to be inflated.

Economy, people, society, resources, environment and future.

Truth, justice and sustainability.

An ecosocialist society prioritizes satisfying fundamental human needs. Basic goods, products and services tend to be free.

Modern market society makes products, goods and services available to consumers without restrictions on season, origin, ecological footprint, labor exploitation, environmental devastation. The products are available for purchase in the store or online, with the greatest simplicity and convenience we can enjoy a huge range of goods, products and services that a few decades ago were completely banned. Brazilian rump steak, tropical fruits, coffee, the miracle of open economies offers consumers a range of choices that open up almost unlimited consumption horizons. The normal restrictions are practically eliminated and a large part of consumers are not even sure what the normal part of a tomato or green bean is, or how things are actually produced, because food is a commodity available to the consumer. all year round on supermarket shelves.

Of course, there are people, groups, movements that try to circumvent this perverse logic, on the side of production and on the side of consumption, but awareness is a minority phenomenon, which does not affect mass consumption, and does not go to the heart of the problem that is the social system. . Intending to go against the dictatorship of convenience without a radical change in the system of political economy is delusional, the feel good delusion that results in the small scale, individual, family, community with mutual and similar interests.

Real change has to go to the heart of the problem, the capitalist system and imperialism is the problem, but productivist socialism is not the solution either because it repeats and copies the production methods and consumption habits of the capitalist system.

Conspicuous, superfluous and useless consumerism does not add lasting happiness to people's existence, but it generates habits and addictions that can have disastrous consequences. The production of goods, products and services requires natural resources, raw materials, energy, water, occupation of territory, production of waste, contamination of ecosystems, destruction of habitats and exploitation of human beings and all this to satisfy whims and desires instigated by advertising .

The priority of ecosocialist economic policy is the purpose of serving society and protecting the environment.

Each country, nation, society, community will have to adjust the ecosocialist principles to the specific historical, sociocultural, geographic and geopolitical reality, direct democracy has to be cultivated, it is not enough to participate in the discussion of problems and options, democratic management of the economy with a view to building a just society and a healthy environment.

Democratic ecological planning requires the participation of all of society in the decision-making process that affects collective destiny.

We are used to delegating responsibility to

“experts” and authorities to decide for us because they have the knowledge and/or experience that makes them opinion makers and chartered decision makers. This mentality takes us out of agency and we have to be aware that many of these experts work for private interests instead of having the public good as their objective, therefore, the democratic decision involves listening to the opinion of public experts and democratically deciding what to do.

Contemporary capitalist society places socially useless products, goods and services on the market and/or designed for rapid turnover (planned obsolescence) in order to stimulate superfluous consumption and create the habit of permanent expectation in technological innovation.

In the ecosocialist planned political economy, the social utility of products, goods and services must be the priority criterion for research, development and production of goods and services for an economy capable of meeting people's needs and respecting the biosphere.

"Centralized" planning should be exclusive to national and structural projects.

Small-scale, family and cooperative economic initiatives, social economy, cultural and artistic initiatives, individual projects must be discussed and supported or rejected locally, respecting the norms, codes and democratic laws in force in the country.

Self-management and cooperativism must be encouraged through educational programs of democratic culture.

The education system and the media system are instruments of indoctrination in any society, the difference is that today's society teaches for deception instead of indoctrinating for democratization. Education is a process of domestication with the aim of guiding behavior and formatting the biosociocultural identity through the cognitive inculcation of concepts and ideas that will work as a subconscious map for most of the decisions that we believe to be taken consciously.

Cultural formatting (cognitive-conceptual-ideological) is the basis of individual biosociocultural identity, the roots that nourish and organize human behavior and that are responsible for how we respond adaptively and/or reactively to society's requests.

We should aspire to think freely, but reasoning is a shared process in an individual format, what is genuine is this process and what makes a certain line of thought original.

Democratic culture must include the development of dissecting skills and analytical skills to dismantle the fallacious rhetoric’s that mislead us and manipulate perception to manufacture consent.

Ecosocialism is the political economy solution that prevents society from slipping into a transhumanist techno-fascist dystopia in the not too distant future.

It is up to us to choose the strategy that "save" society from techno-scientism in the service of a techno-fascist regime.

A society, a system of political economy, scientific knowledge, technological development must have limits and respect the precautionary principle.

A society without limits is a society gone mad, it is a society that does not reflect on the causes of problems, treats symptoms and continues forward hypnotized by an extraordinary arrogance.

The delusional arrogance of not recognizing limits and at the same time convincing the majority of the non-existence of an alternative (TINA).

We have to start rowing against the tide, the dominant mentality has to be fought and the “natural” resistance to change has to be softened, it is essential to start building a new biosociocultural identity based on political-ideological pillars ecosocialist, cooperative empathy, recognizing the another as an equal, the awareness of individual difference has to give way to the feeling of individualistic superiority.

A society, a system of democratic economic policy, has to have a guiding centralized planning, a national guide that dictates the rules of structural projects and national infrastructural works.

Economic activity has to be decentralized and based on cooperativism, without ceasing to support individual and family initiatives within democratic principles, respecting the interests of the community.

International agreements with a regional and/or global character are the responsibility of the central government but must be voted on and approved by the population. The exploitation of natural resources, water minerals, forestry, agriculture, environmental protection policies, agricultural and ecological reserves, special protection zones, coastal areas, etc. the common good of the nation is full respect for treaties and agreements with third parties, foreign economic partners.

In case of conflict of interest or disgrace they must be arbitrated and resolved by an independent international judicial system under democratic control.

Centralized planning, when emanating from a truly democratic process, offers more guarantees than placing the power to find solutions in markets on the assumption that markets are free.

In fact, markets are the rigged game in favor of oligopolistic and plutocratic interests, which control the international monetary, macroeconomic and fiscal financial system to channel the wealth created by the economy to the financialized economy, which is the situation we are currently in.

Democratic control is null, in fact we are facing a situation of negative democratic growth, which means that democracy is shrinking irreversibly.

Democracy not only does not exist, but so-called democratic regimes are preparing the transition to the brave new world order of transhumanist techno-fascism.

Democratic and pluralistic local, regional, national and international debate based on ecosocialist ideas must become the norm.

Internationalism is the antidote to globalism. The globalists defending a global governance, the Pax Universalis, consolidation of the capitalist project of the hegemonic Anglo-American imperialism.

Internationalism establishes a set of rules, principles and values ​​that respect national sovereignty in order to promote cooperation between equal nations.

The emerging new multipolar order has to create institutions that can function as independent arbiters to resolve disputes and correct power asymmetries.

Representatives elected through participatory democracy are obliged to defend the public interest and the common good. The representative democracy system represents private interests and controls society from top to bottom, with protective barriers that increase the level of control the closer you are to the top.

An ecosocialist society must invest primarily in economic activities, infrastructures and institutions that make the economy more resilient, the society more cohesive and the biosphere healthier.

The need for socioeconomic support to correct asymmetries that may exist or arise, always with the aim of generating social cohesion, citizens must feel that society, starting with the local community, is an extension of the family, competition between families for land control , business, social position and privileges have to be replaced by solidarity and respect, a society that does not place empathy and compassion at the base of social relations is destined to become dehumanized over time and narratives will be created that justify in a way irrefutable that nothing unusual is happening.

National projects must be adapted to local needs, to improve efficiency and resource savings.

Professional careers have to be replaced by life trajectories in favor of human dignity, an analyzed existence is much more useful to society than successful careers in areas and with objectives that are not only useless but are harmful to humanity and destructive to the biosphere.

Democratic planning must be based on independent expert information and in the public domain. The private sector appears to respond more effectively, but the public sector can respond better and without having to respond to the interests of investors who are only interested in profit. An investment is not measured by the profit it makes, even by the usefulness it has for society as a whole, whether the benefit is reflected at a local, regional or national level. One of the most important aspects is the established reward system, society will eventually become the image of the established reward system. The private sector always needs the support of the public sector and public-private partnerships, despite being sold as a way of doing more and better with a joint effort, in fact, the private sector is primarily involved in partnerships that guarantee them fixed incomes, because private investors are actually rent seekers.

Ecosocialism makes informed democratic decisions in order to be able to make sustained choices and decisions.

The ecosocialist ideology has to be open to changing the doctrinal orientation to improve responses to social, economic, ecological problems, projects and individual freedoms, development of social and ecological awareness as the engine of ecosocialist culture.

Green capitalism intends to resort to the financialization of ecosystem services, and the so-called fourth industrial revolution, digital economy and fusion of biotechnologies and cybertechnologies, production of synthetic life and other aberrations that unscrupulous or completely delusional scientists supported by the (globalist) elite to create a dystopian transhumanist society of future megalopolises (giant concentration camps), where future generations of transhumans will live completely alienated from the biological reality that gave rise to their ancestors. This is the dystopian project based on capitalist technoscientism as an imperialist instrument of global domination. Whether people believe that it is a globalist cabal or that it is a decades-old project of Anglo-American imperialism, the fact is that everything seems to indicate that nobody is willing to miss the train of technological dystopia.

Ecosocialism has to be the historical alternative to the transhumanist techno-fascist society that is increasingly insinuating itself on the horizon.

Human societies develop and evolve, that's what we believe, as if there were no one pulling the strings that make them take the convenient course for a certain influential group.

Neoliberalism, late stage capitalism is comparable to the alteration that occurs in the process of cellular mutation when normal cells transform into cancer cells.

A kind of compounded evil, financialized capitalism acts like the metastases that are released from the original malignant tumor and spread throughout the body.

What can we expect from societal paradigms based on productivism, consumerism, technoscientism,

artificial intelligence, bioengineering, computational power, colossal data storage, synthetic and digital life, living beings designed and redesigned in the image and will of an elite made up of megalomaniac sociopaths and psychopaths who control wealth and power networks.

Wokist ideology focuses on individual behavioral choices and changes as a way to combat inertia and apathy and change society based on the development of individual awareness.

Today's society is so dominated by self-indulgence and convenience that we are no longer even capable of imagining forms of organized struggle with the aim of changing the system. The current system is irredeemable, all proposals presented are nothing more than cosmetic reforms.

The civilizational paradigm based on ecosocialism represents an alternative way of life for a democratic, ecological and egalitarian society.

The role of the economy is not to encourage conspicuous and superfluous consumption habits induced by advertising.

The profit-based system normalizes the consumption of superfluous, useless and harmful goods, products and services as a way to create jobs and produce wealth and social pacification.

Class society is an anathema that must be fought.

The dignity of human life is not compatible with class privileges.

Desensitization and dehumanization begin with the assimilation of prejudices of superiority, special rights, privileges and entitlements, all prejudices are sources of discrimination, exploitation, generation, but class prejudice is transversal because it is what sustains the societal organization in a pyramid.

The cult of commodification transforms everything into commodities, animals, plants, human relationships, "normal" behavior is regulated by weighing the interests at stake.

A society in which the dominant behavior is based on the management of interests, and the damage caused by our actions is only accounted for if we have to pay for them, everything around us is monetized, moderation there is no world in which we have to fight for a place in the sun.

The fact that we have the faculty to adapt to almost all types of circumstances and vicissitudes does not mean that this process does not leave open wounds that in some cases will evolve negatively.

Capitalist political economy intends to hand over control of the economy to the so-called private sector, privatize, privatize and privatize.

Resources: human, natural, minerals, raw materials, genetic material, natural capital and genetic capital, private control means that access is prohibited, or more precisely, access is limited to those who can pay, privatization simply means the possibility of excluding without need to explain the reasons why this undermines ownership rights.

The current socioeconomic paradigm disconnects the consciousness of belonging to the natural world, we live convinced that nature can and should be molded, improved, reinvented and redesigned at the will of human whims. This state of delirious arrogance and techno-scientific arrogance even intends to work on the enhancement of the human species itself. The transhuman species will be a biotechnological hybrid adapted to live in the metaverse.

Ecosocialism rejects the dualistic view of growth versus degrowth, development versus anti-development.

The purely quantitative conception of the production of goods, products and services must be replaced by social utility and quality and durability.

Who should be responsible for deciding what we really should produce?

The market controlled by the private sector deceives us with the idea of ​​permanent innovation, and puts us in a state of permanent expectation in relation to what the market has to offer.

The idea is not only to exploit dissatisfaction, but to generate artificial dissatisfaction.

Firstly, the established paradigm is inherently unsustainable and secondly, it makes us more alienated, we live in a make-believe world, disconnected from reality.

The main objective of the economy is to produce essential goods, products and services and distribute them in a fair and equitable manner, respecting the limits of the biosphere.

It is imperative to break with the political paradigm of financialized economies that completely distorts the true role of the real economy and, instead of serving society, serves the interests of rentier classes, unscrupulous parasites.

The ecosocialist political economy aims to end the waste of resources that happens with the capitalist economic model based on the large-scale production of unnecessary and harmful products.

Planned obsolescence and the incentive to consumption with the periodic renewal of fashion as a way to make products from the previous era unattractive.

The dictatorship of fashion is yet another tool to explore the lack of confidence and self-esteem compensated for by resorting to a product that attributes value and dignity to those who wear it.

The consumption of superfluous goods must be fought because it implies the massive production of waste to satisfy artificial needs and feed compulsive behaviors.

The ecosocialist economy must be oriented towards meeting genuine needs, such as drinking water, healthy food, housing and basic services, health, education, transport and social support for personal and community development projects.

The aim of economic development is to create just and balanced societies.

It is essential to reach an international consensus on what should be an acceptable level of well-being that respects the limits of the biosphere.

Scientific knowledge and technological development cannot be an end in itself, but an instrument of balance in global development so that all nations can enjoy a decent standard of living.

Export-oriented economies are ecologically unsustainable.

Export should be the exception and not the rule.

It is pertinent to define and implement a different model of allocating resources. National sovereignty involves avoiding dependence on unnecessary imports, we can and must bet on a different balance of international trade.

The globalized financial system dominated by institutions designed to serve the neocolonialist interests of Western imperialism has to be ended or rendered obsolete.

A new financial system that serves the needs of the ecosocialist political economy must be designed and implemented.

The financial system designed to serve the interests of the western rentier class is anti-democratic, neocolonialist, using the perpetual debt scheme covering individuals, families, SMEs and nations.

The ecosocialist economic development model must include the modernization of rail, airport and road means of communication, energy networks, drinking water and sanitation systems, hospitals, schools and relevant infrastructure for the improvement of social well-being but always within of the limits supported by the biosphere.

Building to present work done as it happens in pre-election times, facade works, public facilities, sports, cultural entertainment without great social significance but with an increase in energy consumption, maintenance and pollution represent a waste of resources.

A society in which economic growth depends on tourism, the export of raw materials, agricultural and forestry products is a society vulnerable to crises and market volatility. The resilience of a nation lies in economic and food sovereignty, regardless of the whims of international investors and neocolonialist multinationals.

Tourism should never have been transformed into a mass product/service, it is an ecological disaster and distorts local economies turning them into service economies completely dependent on visitors.

Agricultural production must first guarantee a minimum level of food sovereignty, ecosocialism must preferentially promote agroecological methods, family and cooperative production and producer associations. Distribution has to be managed in an integrated way, free of intermediation and with a minimum of waste.

The so-called rules-based international order is actually a capitalist dictatorship imposed by Western imperialism.

The international order of the last seven decades has been shaped by the geopolitical and geostrategic interests of US-led western neocolonialist imperialism.

Financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank, organizations such as the WTO are instruments for imposing an international order with the aim of implementing Western hegemony, the process of neoliberal globalization and the financialization of the economy dominated by Anglo-American financial imperialism, City of London and Wall Street.

The hegemony of the military-industrial complex (Pax Americana) blueprint for full-spectrum dominance.

The global network of Western multinational interests and investments controls and plunders natural resources and national economies, keeping a lid on the development of local communities and causing enormous ecological devastation.

We are talking about monopolists who resort to cartelization to fix prices and eliminate competition.

Under the rule of imperialist capitalism there will never be true international cooperation.

The transfer of knowledge and technology to homogenize economies and promote genuine cooperation without loss of sovereignty can only happen with the abolition of patents and private property rights that impede social development within the limits of the biosphere.

We are not condemned to live forever under the yoke of the current regime. Of course, we have to wage a Herculean struggle against capitalist obscurantism.

Since the Second World War, humanity has been subject to a systematic and uninterrupted campaign to demonize socialist ideals and projects. Western capitalist imperialism has maintained a ubiquitous war of ideological conditioning, most continue to believe there is no alternative (TINA) taking the anti-socialist and anti-communist narratives for granted.

It is very difficult to make a counter-narrative succeed because the established power literally controls the media, the academic world and only finances projects, programs and research that fit capitalist values. The common citizen is left to research, read, know the alternatives on their own, which requires willpower in an era dominated by convenience.

Disinformation is the model by default, which means the reality that is, after all, the product of an elaborate campaign to manipulate perception and manufacture consent.

Reducing consumption does not mean reducing quality of life.

Obsessive and compulsive superfluous consumption, induced by the capitalist system, creates habits and dependencies with negative consequences for physical and psycho-emotional health and contributes to the destruction of the biosphere.

The idea that the state, the community does not have the right to interfere in the private sphere is fallacious.

Private property does not exist in a social vacuum, it needs to be validated and protected by rules, norms and laws passed by state institutions.

The democratic state must have means to prevent citizens from using and abusing private property, even though private property is part of a wider ecosystem that is the community.

Defending the interests of the community, such as protecting natural resources essential to the community, water resources, common pastures, forests, construction of buildings or other types of infrastructure, environmental quality, pollution and exploitation of subsoil resources are not private matters. even taking into account that the physical space is in the private domain.

Private law must always be limited, because the common good and the continuity of the community must prevail over private interest, which does not mean that the individual has to submit to the collective will without being heard.

The collective will can never be against individual development just as the individual will can never belittle the common good.

In an ecosocialist society, instead of being manipulated into consuming as if there were no tomorrow, we are warned to develop the awareness that we have to consume less, because we must accept the limits of the biosphere and personal freedom implies being aware of them.

Unlimited economic development is a dangerous mirage that can lead to collective annihilation.

If nothing is done, we are investing in the development of a transhumanist techno-fascist society.

The idea is not to have nothing and be happy. The idea is to be part of a society in which the economy exists to serve society and not a group of individuals, it is precisely against this undemocratic power to decide for the other that must be fought because it always leads to tyranny.

We live in an adulterated reality, disconnected from the origins and obsessed by the consumption of superfluous and useless goods, products and services. We rarely associate the food that keeps us alive with the chain of living beings and the environment where they were produced, or how they were cared for, they are just products that should please our palate. The use of electronic equipment has become ubiquitous, to manufacture them rare minerals are needed that have to be extracted somewhere, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where most of the cobalt essential to manufacture electronic gadgets is extracted under subhuman conditions. But of course this is irrelevant because it doesn't happen in our backyard, this dissociation and desensitization is a watermark of capitalism that encourages the exacerbation of individualism.

In today's society there is no room for sobriety, frugality and simplicity, there is no time to cultivate empathy and compassion, to contemplate nature with no other purpose than to let yourself be intoxicated, enveloped by the energy and magic of the place, enjoyment and a sense of belonging.

Instead of living focused on fads and faux sophistication, luxury goods and technological marvels, fulfilled yet hollow existences.

Trivia and pettiness, lack of intellectual, cultural and artistic sophistication, critical analysis and creative skepticism for a more conscious citizenship human flourishing without having to exploit the planet to extinction.

The dictatorship of marketing imposes a reality of artificial needs on us, resorting to increasingly pervasive and insidious techniques of manipulation and psycho-affective conditioning.

Market capitalist society resorts to marketing, publicity and propaganda to penetrate all spheres of life in society, public spaces, private spaces, home and workplace, laser spaces, sports venues, commercial zones, the weapons of mass deception are ubiquitous. A reality of apparent diversity of choice designed by the PR industrial complex.

In fact, the diversity of brands, cultural identities, religious options, political ideologies, lifestyles, tastes and trends actually work as a single path, where each one judges differently.

Technoscientism, the religious cult based on the superiority of science that promises to free humanity from biological shackles. Technoscientism is the religion of late stage capitalism, where everything can be commodified and marketed.

Advertising is ubiquitous and defines the subconscious landscape in the form of biosociocultural identity.

The PR Industrial Complex has the function of designing narratives with the power to guide, order and condition the perception of reality and through this way they control human thought and will. Citizens consumers/spectators are under a constant bombardment of publicity selling illusions of freedom and happiness associated with the acquisition of products and services that in support of the truth represent dependence.

The only form of publicity that is useful to society is that which contributes to informing the public about products, goods, services and all relevant information for the full functioning of democracy.

Information about a product, service, as well as rules, norms, laws, projects, initiatives and interventions must be scrupulously based on truth and honesty, social utility and democratic respect with the aim of clarifying what is the opposite of manipulate implicitly or explicitly.

The current system places the responsibility for being informed on the consumer side, forced to navigate a toxic system, which resorts to all possible and imaginary methods to deceive, confuse, manipulate, mislead and exploit ignorance because in a complex society like ours Currently, the citizen cannot be informed of the details (where the devil hides and/or disguises himself) in order to be able to make choices and take sustainable decisions, especially when it comes to contracts written by experts in the art of using and abusing the ignorance of others.

Quality, durability, real utility, economy of natural resources and reduction of waste production determine the intrinsic value of a product, good or service placed on the market.

Changing consumption habits goes through the process of individual awareness, but while the political economy system conditions us to adapt to a reality where values ​​opposed to the process of individual awareness prevail.

The fight against prevailing ideological prejudices and political culture has to be accompanied by real changes in the way we live and in the way society is organized. What we produce, the way we produce, allocate and distribute goods, products and services, what we value, jobs, positions, roles, professions have the objective of serving society and respecting the environment. Social utility is the denominator of democratic equalization, privileged access is undemocratic because everything that exists in society is obtained from resources that are "property" of all living beings that inhabit this planet, the idea that we can be owners of parcels of territory and that a document gives us the right to decide on behalf of the rest of the community that lives there, even annihilating it, is absurd and ignominious.

Education alone cannot change reality. Children and young people are victims of consumerist indoctrination and from a very early age they learn that the only thing of value is money, because between them and what advertising and marketing dictate to them to buy is the money that has to come from somewhere. side. Adults have to survive in an environment of competition for crumbs and live in the same dreamlike reality of promises that are never fulfilled.

It is possible to change habits and behavior, change rules, norms and regulations and produce laws that improve certain aspects of collective life, but the fundamental problem persists, because the root of the problem has not been eradicated, the systemic causes are treated as taboo and the means media, as well as the political and business class, exclude them from their programs and projects.

A class system organized hierarchically in order to demand blind obedience, even in the face of flagrant injustices, is tacitly and strategically excluded from any and all political-ideological debates, marginalized in the cultural and artistic scenario and excluded from the world of infotainment and everything that goes through it. mainstream.

A class-based society organized in the form of a vertical hierarchy could never function without recourse to coercion and violent repression.

Exploitation and enslavement of people who are our equals is easily justified, but injustice and cruelty generate antibodies because they are a form of attack on human dignity that will never be completely normalized.

Class struggle is organic, unlike the class exploitation exacerbated by capitalism.

The human being gets used to and adapts to all kinds of circumstances, from the moment that a certain idea, set of ideas, narrative is intentionally or surreptitiously transformed into cultural reality and becomes part of the individual biosociocultural identity, the citizens inserted in a certain group, tribe, community or society will develop adaptive behaviors to the new reality, the factual truth and the evidence can do little against prejudices, established ideas.

The existence of state, order, law and organization does not imply the existence of hierarchy to function. Complex societies require an organized political system because it is not possible to spend all the time discussing what to choose, it is necessary to decide and act. That is why the organization and attribution of roles and functions is essential with democratic control.

The relevance is in the function and not in the person, personalized idolization has to be fought because the ideas, causes, values ​​and principles must be in the political programs/manifests that must be clear and unequivocal and that can be executed independently of the person who holds the post.

Collective well-being is equivalent to personal freedom, there must be a balance between individual rights, freedoms and guarantees and the defense of collective well-being.

Individual freedom is crucial for personal fulfillment, which does not mean that access to non-essential goods, products and services is a matter of individual freedom, as it is considered in the current system in which freedom is confused with the right to consume without restrictions .

Goods, products and services classified as superfluous, luxury and useless must be democratically determined.

More free time to carry out personal, cultural, recreational, sports, scientific, artistic, political, religious projects.

More important than consuming for the sake of consuming is the opportunity to give meaning and purpose to individual existence without harming collective well-being and destroying the biosphere.

Human adaptability is extremely plastic, what this really means is that as a species we are not only capable of adapting to all kinds of habitats and taking advantage of available resources, but we are equally capable and this characteristic often works as a disadvantage mainly in the context of complex societies, the creative imagination expressed in the form of narratives that work as an existential guide for the group, tribe, community and/or nation to which we belong. In terms of applying creative imagination to solve concrete problems in the physical world, the relationship between subject and object is clear, using available materials to make tools and build shelters, learning where to find food and recognize edible species, etc. they are tangible experiences in which they follow steps and a confirmable logic. In the case of more or less disconcerting ideas and justifications that we invent to explain causal relationships that cannot be proven, but with which we learn to make sense of a certain phenomenon or reality without having to prove anything because it is not a matter of satisfying biological needs .

The universe of ideas exerts an indelible influence on the way we lead our existence and it seems to me that most of us still do not realize the scope, for good, but essentially for evil, that only ideas have in the choices and decisions we make. , "ideas have consequences" is the title of a book written by Richard M. Weaver where he explains the influence that belief systems exert on us, individually and collectively.

Societies based on conspicuous consumption and greed are not inevitable, we can have societies in which personal fulfillment is valued without this implying an existence concentrated on the accumulation of wealth, property and material goods, social recognition does not have to come by Via careerism, a virtuous existence, honesty, empathy, compassion, respect can have a preponderant place in society, not only is there no law that prevents it, but they will shape behavior in order to adapt to the dominant narrative.

Personal fulfillment projects through the development of talents and the possibility of experimenting, if for many people, the objective of life is to concentrate on the development and improvement in a single area of ​​knowledge or activity, for others, personal evolution goes through stages differentiated and multiple interests that the existential experience brought to light.

Citizens should not be punished based on differences in character and personality.

If the accumulation of material goods and wealth ceases to be a means to obtain economic and financial security and social status, and access to essential goods becomes a priority alongside the time available for personal development, citizens will seek to give meaning to their existence. by other means.

In the current system, only a tiny percentage of the privileged can do what they really like, the majority of the population has to carry out tasks and play roles that they hate just to be able to survive and without any hope of being able to give meaning to their existence, and that is a unacceptable form of social punishment.

A classless society is not free of conflicts and contradictions, with the difference that they are resolved in pursuit of the common good following ecosocialist democratic principles.

Each country must establish national, regional and local priorities without foreign interference, however taking into account bilateral or multilateral agreements and relations with third countries. Countries that share borders should cultivate friendly relations and cooperate so that their respective economies complement each other to meet the needs of both sides.

A country is not an island, and the integrated development of a region can and should benefit all parties involved, mutual respect should guide international geopolitical relations.

Whenever private and corporate interests are contrary to the public interest, the public interest must prevail. When private power becomes too influential, conflicts of interest emerge, the promiscuity between politics and business for corrupting and discrediting public institutions with repercussions for democracy.

The dominant ideology that considers private property sacrosanct will ultimately be the bane of humanity and the biosphere. Private property is a convenient concept for the wealthy classes who enjoy privileges and entitlements that can never be democratized, but which are at the root of social exclusion and generalized impoverishment of the population.

Productivist capitalism generates economic growth based on industrial production and the promotion of conspicuous consumption of superfluous and useless goods, products and services.

Post-productivist capitalism generates wealth by resorting to the financialization of the economy and the emptying of the real economy, relocating production to low-wage countries.

The ecosocialist political economy aims to produce goods, products and services to satisfy human needs. Techno-scientific progress must aim to improve people's lives and make work less painful and more productive.

Produce more with less effort so that citizens have more free time to carry out personal projects.

Ecosocialist society does not intend for techno-scientific development to increase production and encourage consumption and thereby produce wealth that further deepens the gap between rich and poor, more free time and better quality of life must be the culture of the future for the good of humanity and the planet.

Productivist capitalism developed the consumer society and marketing to stimulate consumption as a way to sell goods and products.

Modern society exploits ad nauseam the satisfaction of physical pleasures, appealing to the consumption of drinks and foods presented in all shapes and sizes, designed to please the palate of the majority and normalize consumption habits that are difficult to resist.

Economic growth based on unnecessary consumption to maintain a dysfunctional society.

We hear the words innovation and entrepreneur over and over again, as symbols of initiative, inventiveness and boldness that drive society and create jobs.

It is rare to question the usefulness of goods, products and services since the market accepts them, marketing campaigns can practically sell everything and the commercial success or failure of many pseudo-products and services has nothing to do with the quality and/or or their intrinsic usefulness, especially in the food and beverage, beauty and cosmetics, fashion and accessories sector, it is possible to convince people to consume as if they were brainless.

The extractive industries are not exclusive to capitalism, but the post WW II international order allowed the USA to open a new chapter in the history of Western imperialism, the British Empire did not end, it continued transmuted into the Anglo-American Empire, the capitalist superpower committed to combating the development of the communism.

The Bretton Woods Institutions are the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Their aims were to help rebuild the shattered postwar economy and to promote international economic cooperation. The original Bretton Woods agreement also included plans for an International Trade Organization (ITO) but these lay dormant until the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created in the early 1990s.


An international financial order dominated by the US as an instrument of neocolonialism and debt enslavement.

Support politicians and military willing to fight alongside the US against the growth of communism and at the same time control natural resources, oil, mineral deposits, encourage debt to finance projects such as dams, electricity networks, roads, railways, ports of deep waters and airports to facilitate the extraction, transport and export of raw materials, filling the pockets of the national oligarchy, contributing little or nothing to the development of the national economy and much less to economic sovereignty, leaving a trail of poverty and destruction environmental. Countries controlled by western capital, colonized by western multinationals and when necessary militarily occupied by American troops.

Looting resources, enslaving people, destroying the environment, impotent countries with unpayable debts, this is the development model that for decades the capitalist West imposed on the countries of the so-called third world.

In exchange for natural resources and raw materials, we leave ecological devastation, toxic waste, human misery and perpetual debt.

The natural resources that should be used to finance the sustainable development of the country of origin, served and continue to serve to finance the culture of squandering and ostentation of the western plutocratic elite.

As soon as the Soviet communist threat dissipated, the Western capitalist elite's mask fell, neoliberalism marched triumphant and took the reins of societies softened by the bourgeoisie lifestyle.

Neoliberal vocabulary has become part of political rhetoric and anti-social, anti-labor measures, privatization announcements, cut the state's fat, increase productivity, lower taxes on private investment, we must let the markets give the verdict on the state of the economy.

Westerners benefited for a few decades from the capitalist truce (social democratic benefits because they did not want to run the risk of communist contamination.

Neoliberalism has become the mainstream political economy and traditional parties have been infiltrated by neoliberals, over time they have completely lost their shame. Currently, most governments follow neoliberal policies in economic matters and neoconservative policies in military matters.

Westerners need solutions on the left. It is not easy to wear the anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, environmentalist and anti-globalist shirt.

The confusion and misinformation is indeed impressive, but I believe it is possible to establish a platform of mutual understanding that will keep the left afloat.

The ecosocialist left has to be anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-globalist and ecologist.

Financial capital and the issue of currency, as well as the entire financial system, must be public. Capitalism treats money as if it were a commodity but money is medium of exchange and a unit of account - a socially accepted standard unit with which things are priced. Can also be used as storage of value.

Private property must be replaced by responsible individual, family, cooperative, communal or collective use. What can be done on the property assigned to us is democratically agreed, instead of each one doing what they want because they believe that being the owner gives them that right, it is the community that decides how to use the land in order to satisfy the needs individual and collective needs.

Social housing must respond to people's needs, each family must have the space it needs, saving resources, raw materials and energy must be a defining principle, instead of the usual capitalist ostentation in which everyone sometimes wants to show more than what it is, in a competition to see who is richest.

The development of industrial capitalism has caused a deep ecological imbalance, the massive use of chemical fertilizers and phytopharmaceuticals has allowed the development of intensive agriculture, but intoxication and destroys the microbiological diversity of soils and has polluted subsoil water as well as depleting underground aquifers.

The society of abundance is due to the use of fossil fuels, and industrial civilization is a product of the petrochemical industry.

Maintaining or increasing energy consumption by resorting to renewable sources means further disfiguring the planet earth, the negative impacts are multiple and, as usual, solving one problem produces ten, adding another layer of complexity until the final collapse. Reducing energy consumption is fundamental, unless a miracle technology is discovered.

Capitalism is incompatible with a sustainable future and green capitalism will exacerbate the problem because it will continue to deceive people with false promises.

Ecosocialism has to contribute to the formation of sufficient critical mass to deconstruct the lies of green capitalism, such as the financialization of ecosystem services, the fourth industrial revolution and transhumanism.

Industrial capitalism changed the face of the earth. Unlimited economic growth, economic expansion and development of mega transnational corporations, accumulation of wealth and private control of the economy and property, waste of resources, conspicuous and ostensive consumption, planned obsolescence and the unregulated production of waste, including toxic ones.

Green capitalism wants to convince us that the dominant financial institutions are working to save the planet.

The market economy dependent on international investors and sophisticated and complex financial instruments, responsible for crises like the one in 2008, will now save the situation.

Putting an end to this farce and betting on a more humane and ecological society, which shares sacrifices and blessings in an equitable way, it is not happier those who consume more, but those who are aware that they are doing what is right, but of course that awareness it doesn't come out of nowhere, it's part of a culture that we have to implement.

Green capitalism is a slogan to sell a set of false solutions in order to guarantee the continuity of the system controlled by the rentier class, plutocrats, oligarchs.

The social cream that orbits around the sphere of influence of this parasitic system does not shy away from resorting to violence when it runs the risk of losing privileges, material goods, properties and social status.

Ecosocialism is a system of political, social and ecological economy that is based on a set of values ​​in which the focus is not placed on material goods but on giving meaning to life, the consumption of goods, products and services can help to mitigate the existential emptiness but does not solve the fundamental problem. The realization of this vision must be based on democratic public planning and control of the means of production, natural resources, minerals and others controlled by local populations and in the case of projects of national interest, the decision-making process must be transparent and democratic and if possible decided unanimously.

The market economy is a system of funneling money into the pockets of the rentier class with connections to the deep state.

Non-profit organizations (CIA cutouts). think-tanks, universities, institutes produce reports for the Pentagon, State Department and President. Western financialized capitalism is the financial arm of Anglo-American neocolonialist imperialism aimed at global domination.

Environmentalist NGOs supporting green capitalism directly or indirectly support the financialization of ecosystem services, instruments of Anglo-American imperialist hegemony.

The African continent, South America and part of the Asian countries are examples of economic neocolonization and financial enslavement, the IMF and World Bank loans to finance economic development require opening the economy to foreign investment in search of their share in the stake. of natural resources and raw materials. Part of the profits from these investments are shared among the national elites while the people survive below the poverty line and when the poor indigenous people refuse to leave the place they are expelled using violent measures to defend capitalist interests.

So-called Green parties that form government coalitions with center-left, social-democratic, liberal and even Christian-centered parties and support neoliberal policies such as the financialization of ecosystem services are system parties and ecocidal collaborators.

Socialism, as it was developed by the Soviet Union in order to compete with reigning capitalism, must be interpreted in the historical context in which it took place.

Productivist socialism is not an alternative to capitalism, the alternative to capitalism is ecosocialism.

The development model of the Chinese economy and society has very positive aspects, but in many respects it is a hyper consumerist society like any capitalist society and in my opinion the objective of socialism is not to develop a society of brainless consumerists.

Another aspect that seems relevant to me is the fixation on everything that is technology, the emergence of techno-scientism as the dominant secular religion.

Social equality, economic justice, protection of the biosphere do not depend on more technology, they depend on production, consumption and conscious allocation of natural resources and raw materials, we need a development model different from the one that brought us here, not to mention the need to find an international solution to end the current militarist frenzy because it is the worst way to allocate resources, consume energy and produce waste, not to mention the development of chemical and biological weapons.

Unhealthy living conditions, pollution and environmental destruction to produce completely useless goods, products and services to satisfy superfluous and even pernicious "needs" because we are conditioned to consume without thinking and look for distractions and sources of pleasure to ward off boredom and alleviate restlessness, anxiety and existential emptiness.

Anyone who believes that the only thing that counts is the human species might find transhumanist ideas sensible.

Imagination, like imbecility, has no limits, and when we realize it, if that happens, it may be too late.

Ecosocialism, the political economy for an ecological society

Building a movement to save the biosphere requires more than fighting ecocidal capitalism.

Ecosocialism is a positive vision for a prosperous future for all humanity.

The viability of ecosocialism depends on the state in which capitalism leaves the planet. The sooner we implement ecosocialism, the more chances we have of reversing the path of destruction, including the possibility of nuclear annihilation.

Ecosocialism recognizes the limits of the biosphere and promotes sustainable production processes to satisfy human needs rather than seeking profit. The steady-state economy is what we should aim for, an ever-growing economy is neither sustainable nor desirable.

Energy consumption can be substantially reduced if, instead of a society dependent on the consumption of superfluous, useless and even harmful goods, products and services, we have a society based on the precautionary principle and a culture of sobriety.

The capitalist economy can be defined as an economy of waste production. The legitimacy of seeking profit by all means authorizes and encourages initiatives to stimulate consumption as an engine of economic growth regardless of the real value of what is provided to society.

The energy that is currently wasted in the production of superfluous goods, products and services, unnecessary night activities, misleading advertising, dysfunctional production methods, transport and distribution of completely disposable goods can be easily eliminated because they are not essential to the well-being of the populations.

Refurbish, reconvert, reuse and adapt existing infrastructure to the needs of the ecosocialist economy to provide free education, health and public transport, as an example.

Political decisions taken by an ecosocialist government must be authorized by an approved political program and whenever extraordinary measures are necessary, they must be democratically approved, preferably by the method of direct democracy.

The ecosocialist government governs in the interests of society and the country. Honesty, integrity and transparency are imperative for political trust between all stakeholders.

The small-scale economy, workers' cooperatives and other local economic activities are regulated, supported and controlled by the local community.

A substantial part of jobs in the capitalist economy adds negative value to society and has a destructive impact on the biosphere.

Advertising and marketing, insurance and private banking, weapons production, militarized police and a range of activities that, besides being profitable, do not add anything positive to society. Eliminating unnecessary activities frees people up to dedicate themselves to what they really like to do without being subjected to the dictates of a monetized and financialized economy and without contributing to ecocide.

The work must be remunerated based on the exposure to situations of danger and physical and psycho-emotional stress caused to the people who perform it. Boring and repetitive tasks should be rewarded above average. Citizens willing to carry them out voluntarily must be adequately compensated, or they will have to be carried out as democratically distributed community work.

The idea that a college degree should be rewarded with a secure, well-paying career is wrong.

People who have the opportunity to do what they like already enjoy the “privilege” of a fulfilled existence.

Education should not be seen as a social equalizer, just as an academic title per se is not indicative of utility for society, the case of economists is paradigmatic.

The use of numerus clausus to control student access to certain courses motivated by corporate interests must be abolished. What needs to be controlled is the quality of the course and that future professionals have the opportunity to deepen and update knowledge throughout their professional career.

Access to goods, products and services must be regulated by their social utility in compliance with the democratic rules.

Distortions generated by private interests and obscure agendas harm society as a whole, benefiting only a small group dedicated to the noble rent-seeking activity. Usury should be a crime, money is not a commodity, just another fallacious idea in the interest of the parasitic class that controls the financial world.

A form of UBI should be instituted as an instrument of social leveling.

For those who believe that the UBI is an instrument of enslavement that the globalists intend to impose in order to force us to accept CBDC’s, I only have one thing to say, with or without UBI, as long as financialized imperialist capitalism rules the world, society is condemned to become a transhumanist techno-fascist system.

Blame the communists, after all that's what people have been doing for decades.

A democratic society based on ecosocialist principles believes that citizens are part of society from birth to death, and the available resources must be shared democratically, the UBI is an easy-to-implement leveling instrument, not to say that there are no other solutions.

Many of the professions and functions considered normal are actually useless and, in certain cases, harmful, and the possibility of abolishing professions, roles and functions considered harmful on democratic grounds must be on the table.

Living in society requires reciprocity or we run the risk of having a system dominated by parasites, which is exactly the reality we have, with most living in a state of denial, we continue to be sucked in by those we worship and ridicule and demonize those who dare to demand change systemic.

Skilled work must be a voluntary choice and unskilled work must be distributed through allocation of quotas or done by people who find it satisfactory. Equality, justice, dignity, solidarity, fraternity and freedom only exist when society as a whole rejects outright that so-called "disadvantaged" citizens, that is, deprived of the means to live, should be at the disposal of "privileged" fellow citizens to do the less dignified jobs.

Privilege and entitlement as part of the reward system in the class society seems "natural", at least Social Darwinists would like us to believe the myth of "survival of the fittest", very useful to justify a dysfunctional system, just like the mathematical models used to justify the “accuracy” of the economics profession.

The truth is that this idea has been disseminated and normalized to intellectually underpin exploitation and meritocratic narratives.

Disposable income should not depend on a socially recognized professional activity and/or career, but rather on the real use it has for society. For centuries, millennia, domestic work, the responsibility of women, was never remunerated and, however, was essential for the survival of families.

Work must be recognized for its real usefulness and "workers" who perform tasks that are particularly unpleasant but essential to the general well-being must be adequately rewarded, which may be in monetary value, or otherwise, for example, in time available for o developing personal projects with specific support, etc... Free time to be able to dedicate ourselves to what we like, even if it's just enjoying the right to leisure, is a fundamental democratic right. In a society where citizens live in a permanent state of uncertainty, isolation/social atomization and alienation, as is the case in the current capitalist society, the normal state is one of mental, cultural and ideological blockage, the feeling of impotence can become overwhelming.

Industrial agriculture, intensive and extensive livestock farming require deforestation and earth-moving, heavy machinery and infrastructure, chemical fertilizers and synthetic phytosanitary products, energy and water resources in abundance in order to be able to supply the global markets.

The food industry is controlled by a handful of mega-corporations, from the production of hybrid and genetically modified seeds to the production, processing and distribution of cereals and by-products of the milling and oil refining sectors.

The production of meat and derivatives, the capture of wild fish and the growing aquaculture industry to feed the world's population demands an enormous amount of resources that have to come from somewhere.

The debate should not centered on whether or not we should eat animal products, the problem lies in the illusion that we should have the freedom to eat and drink what we want without restrictions, and this is where honesty has to come into play. If we all want the same thing, the production side will be compelled to resort to every technological trick in order to manipulate and circumvent the rules of nature to produce the required products. This aberration has to end, human freedom ends where the right to existence of the remaining living community of the biosphere begins.

The close relationship between producers and consumers has never been so tenuous.

A significant portion of vegetable and fruit production is carried out in hydroponic and semi-hydroponic systems in technologically advanced greenhouses in order to supply national urban markets and international distribution centers.

Most agricultural production remains based on land use and needs abundant water, raw materials and infrastructure, dams and irrigation systems, refrigerated warehouses, greenhouses and energy that has to be extracted, produced, transformed and transported to be made available to the farmer so that he can produce the food and place it in the distribution chain. Complex systems almost always dependent on imported raw materials and an uninterrupted circuit of cargo movement around the globe by land, sea and air.

We find all this normal, and for many it is the source of sustenance. Ubiquitous surreptitious messages compels us to be ambitious, we must want to go further, be more competitive, become the winner and enjoy the spoils.

The legitimate purpose of accumulating wealth makes it acceptable to leave a trail of astutely disguised destruction, kept out of sight.

Most belong to the group of victims of the system, let’s use the sports analogy, the majority of those who practice sports, even in the professional category, will never become rich, but society resorts to the exceptions to spread the illusion that if we try hard enough and have talent we also can become winners. In fact, only a small minority reaches this level and no one takes away their merit and commitment, but wanting to pretend that it can be widely replicated is a blatant lie.

We can, we must and we will have to opt for ecological food production systems. Agroecology is a successfully used system, but it is incompatible with the modern way of life that requires immediate and massive availability of products to meet market demand.

Production models that respect the cycles of nature, the revitalization of the soil, the protection of aquifers and biodiversity cannot feed large human concentrations. Many of the products labeled as organic come from intensive production systems and despite respecting the rules of the organic production system, rules that can be changed for convenience in the market, resort to foliar fertilization to correct nutritional deficiencies, with products approved for this purpose, but incompatible with the romantic idea of ​​organic production that we see on product labels.

The grains and transgenic soybeans used in the production of most animal feed require the use of industrial agriculture

Changing mindsets to change systems, less technofix and more social, ecological and ethical awareness, because adding more layers of technological complexity does not solve the fundamental problem, the unsustainable nature of today's society.

It is imperative to end capitalism, imperialism and militarism but it is not enough, productivist socialism reproduces, copies and mimics many of the mistakes of capitalism, for example the western consumerist lifestyle, the fashion and cosmetics and audiovisual and Electronic products are highly harmful to the environment, but we still believe it's important to follow fashion and buy the latest mobile phone model.

It is crucial to deconstruct the consumerist culture and move forward, accepting the cultural colonization of American imperialism is not a sign of cosmopolitanism, cultural sophistication or social status, it is a demonstration of how easily we are manipulated.

Intensive livestock farming managed by productivist, mercantilist logic resorts to animal husbandry methods and processes contrary to animal welfare. Animals are seen as merchandise and not as living beings.

Concentration camps style for higher productivity and turnover with lower production costs and profit maximization.

Economy of scale and unlimited growth, the ideal entrepreneur aims to become an exporter to the globalized market.

Acquisitions and mergers, creation of economic and financial monopolies controlled by oligarchs and plutocrats is the reality in which we live. People and communities are belittled, excluded or even expelled from the territories where they have lived for centuries.

Current financial mercantilism leaves no room for the subsistence family economy to flourish, people are forced to migrate to cities because life in villages is less and less viable and younger people are attracted by city life.

In the villages, job opportunities, social initiatives and cultural activities are scarce.

The trend towards an increasingly technological society, electronically monitored, more policed ​​and with less autonomy for the exercise of individual freedom, more virtual transhumanist metaverse pseudo reality  and less freedom of movement.

An ecosocialist political economy system applied to agriculture must divide food production into at least two large groups. The group of foods that are easy to produce in an agroecological, small-scale and sustainable way and the group of foods that require large-scale production, heavy agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizers, such as cereals.

Anyone who argues that it is possible to feed the current population without resorting to fossil fuels does not know the reality on the ground.

We have to be realistic and understand that nobody wants to go back to archaic working methods, because they are painful and not very productive.

The issue is to establish clear limits, such as, for example, prohibiting the use of transgenic seeds, limiting the growth of cities, prohibiting intensive livestock farming and rationing the consumption of animal products. Develop, support and subsidize small-scale projects and agroecological cooperatives, cultivate and consume seasonal products, reduce energy waste with transport, storage and refrigeration. This is the right path to food sovereignty.

It is imperative to implement new production and distribution methods and change consumption habits based on the development of social and ecological awareness.

Shared local, community and national planning is essential for policies to be effective and needs met.

The capitalist logic of seeking profit at any cost, contrary to the image that is sold to us, is inefficient and generates enormous amounts of waste.

Goods are not produced for the social value they represent, but for commercial interest, even when they are useless and harmful, marketing and advertising manage to convince consumers to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, contributing to the continuity of an unfair system.

Integrated democratic planning seeks to encourage methods and processes that take into account the satisfaction of immediate needs and storage needs in accordance with the principle of food sovereignty and respect for the limits of the biosphere. Satisfying social needs and protecting the environment replace the pursuit of profit as the engine of economic activity.

Capitalism exists to funnel profits upwards and economic growth is dependent on new debt.

Most of the money that enters the economy is created with the act of accepting a new bank credit. And this is true for individuals, families, companies and governments.

The privately controlled financial system holds the power to decide who has access to money, the famous quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founder of the House of Rothschild “Let me issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes the laws” reveals the power held by private banks and investment houses.

The issuance of money must once again be controlled by the national treasury, banking must be public, there is not a single positive reason to hand over control of the financial system to the private sector, other than the loss of sovereignty and the impoverishment of the population.

The ecosocialist political economy is an ideology of rupture with the capitalist system, but during the transition period it is essential to ensure the stability of society.

Order, law and security are essential for the stability of society, but for the purpose of defending citizens from abuses, threats and crimes.

Feelings of uncertainty, powerlessness, fear, insecurity and alienation are a constant in today's society and the fascistic far-right tries to take advantage of the current political discredit, cultural muddle and social ambiguities to reach power.

Ecosocialism should be the unifying banner of anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists, anti-militarists, environmentalists and ecologists to create an alternative democratic political movement capable of opposing the current techno-fascist/techno-feudalist leaning.

The ecosocialist political economy is based on state control of the means of production, which does not mean that all decisions depend on centralized power.

The small economy must be decentralized, but property management must be public and administered at the local level.

The production and distribution of energy, the pumping, treatment and distribution of drinking water, waste collection and treatment systems, sewage and basic sanitation, general infrastructure must be public and managed in order to serve local interests.

All systems must incorporate technology that allows saving energy to better serve the population and protect the environment.

Rational and integrated resource management has to be the default mode.

Environmental protection has to be integrated into the management of economic policy, the economy is a subsystem of the ecology. The territory is the common heritage of a living community of which human beings are just a part, the idea of ​​having the right to explore, develop, alter, pollute, destroy, expel in the name of economic development, which in the capitalist case prioritizes private profit and the corporate interests of multinationals with more economic power than many sovereign states is wrong and perverse.

Control of resources should be done by local communities with the support of the national government.

The working class and citizens of all walks of life that somehow feel their lives could be more useful, make more sense and be more interesting have to try to visualize what would be the system of political economy that could provide a sense of community that does not exist in the current context.

Developing and deepening class consciousness is the first and most important step towards a path of liberation from myths and prejudices that keep us prisoners of narratives that only make sense because they dominate our subconscious.

The development of class consciousness helps to smooth out the sharp edges of cultural identity divisions. The class struggle does not explain everything, but class origins always aggravates the other problems that society is struggling with and anyone who denies this is because they have not yet realized the centrality of the class issue.

It is no coincidence that the class issue is ridiculed, devalued, distorted and even denied.

When we realize the centrality of the class issue in the repressive, exploitative and discriminatory structure of the hierarchical system, the myths and fallacious narratives about meritocratic virtues fall to the ground.

The capitalist system resorts to all the tricks of diverting attention from what really matters to what is secondary, so that we never seriously focus on the core of the problem.

Internationalism is fundamental as part of the revolutionary struggle and organized resistance to overthrow capitalism in the process of transition to ecosocialism.

If we want to be serious, we realize that the common denominator is the hierarchical class system and we don't go beyond it by going into denial.

The struggle for a classless society must be at the heart of the ecosocialist movement. The feeling of superiority and the prejudice of privilege that gives some people the right to exploit, discriminate, enslave and even annihilate based on a system that guarantees impunity.