quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2023

How to understand the Brazilian insurrection

Understanding the Brazilian insurrection requires a comprehensive systemic approach, which by the way, should be the default method for understanding most incidents that appear spontaneous.

A closer look reveals the causes and connections that underpin the uprisings exposing a dysfunctional society, where those who control the dominant narratives dictate how people perceive reality, distorting facts and deflecting responsibilities while rationalizing and justifying a deeply unjust social reality.

This type of revolt confirms the success of the continuous barrage of anti-communist propaganda aimed at demonizing the role of the anti-capitalist left, the peasant and indigenous movements fighting for socio-economic justice and political democracy denied since the dawn of the colonial era and exacerbated with the neocolonialist meddling of the United States and the multinational mining corporations.

A convenient alignment of Brazilian business elites, agroindustry, timber industry, extreme right entrenched in police and military forces, administrative and judiciary sectors, and the role of evangelical churches in mass indoctrination explain that only a systemic approach can lead to understanding the insurrection.

It is necessary to take into account the convergence between part (maybe the majority) of the Brazilian elites and the corporate, financial, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of US neocolonialist imperialism.

The US empire never sleeps, whether funding, training, indoctrinating, providing logistical, strategic and tactical support, intelligence and satellite communications, planning public relations campaigns, creating and infiltrating NGOs to function as Trojan horses, incubating coups d'état, color revolutions, false flag and regime change operations.

Probably most people who participated in the attempted coup d'état do not recognize that they are helping the enemy. These people have more to gain than to lose with the Lula government, but since what we believe in is more real than the factual reality, the facts count for little to nothing and much less in moments when the will is carried away by emotional outbursts and group behavior response.

The machine to deceive the masses, like the US imperium, never sleeps. Perception manipulation techniques are more and more sophisticated and ubiquitous, disseminating narratives to fabricate consent, and there cannot be a more efficient public relations strategy than the one capable of convincing the target audience to enlist in the enemy forces.

Unless most insurgents are farmers and loggers, oligarchs and plutocrats, upper-class careerists with corporate interests to defend, right-wing military and law enforcement officers, and evangelical pastors.

Evangelical churches play a crucial role in political-ideological indoctrination aligned with the fascist right. Credulous people become easy prey for evangelical pastors as they preach the prosperity gospel, exploiting and manipulating psycho-affective weaknesses of citizens who seek moral and spiritual support while trying to find personalized solutions to systemic problems.

Brazil's problem, leaving aside the idiosyncrasies of Brazilian society, is the malignant tumor that needs to be excised: globalized neoliberal capitalism, including the financialization of the economy and the open economies enabling resource predation and unregulated financial investment.

A unipolar rules-based neocolonialist order controlled by the West, primarily by the Anglo-American financial imperialism, must end and give way to a multipolar order among sovereign states that cooperate in the context of an INDEPENDENT international legal order.

This is the reality that ordinary Brazilians need to understand and that they will not hear from evangelical pastors. I remember here the quote by Dom Helder Câmara "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." to emphasize that people like Bolsonaro are false patriots, in fact they are true traitors, because there can be no greater betrayal than harming the people and the national interest by handing over control of national wealth to foreign interests and there is no greater threat to the well-being of any nation than the US Deep State.