sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2023

Why and how Europe will become irrelevant on the world stage

The European Union was created largely to serve as the political arm of the US/NATO, which should come as no surprise to anyone. Those who believe that the US-led West should rule the world with an iron fist in order to perpetuate the unipolar hegemony may find the idea outrageous, but there is evidence that the CIA was involved in the creation of the EU, which in itself should sound the alarm if we were brought up to be critical thinkers, which we are not.

And anyone who dares to defy this order must be squashed like a cockroach. The global governance dictated by the Anglo-American imperialist deep state must be strictly observed to keep the system running as if we were actually experiencing the end of history.

This ideological predominant view among Westerners who live under a permanent barrage of propaganda demonizing any political-ideological alternative that discredits and challenges the existing order: neoliberal financialized capitalism, an instrument to impose the Anglo-American imperialist hegemony.

NATO is an alliance of vassal states that live under the protective hat of the feudal lord. In exchange for loyal collaboration with imperialist dictates the “allied” countries accept to follow the instructions issued by the centralized power to respond in a concerted way t any threat posed to the rules-based hegemonic imperialist order.

In other words, the EU is part of the periphery of the empire and the policy of absolute domination requires the continuous expansion of NATO as the military arm of the empire and the "allies" are obliged to agree and leverage this expansion, highlighting the "invaluable" role of the organization as a promoter of peace in the world.

EU+NATO countries function as satellites of the Anglo-American empire, the Pax Americana is a continuation of the British empire in the emerging power of the USA, “Everything must change so that everything remains the same” by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.

At the end of World War II, the USA, as an emerging superpower, took the reins of pre-existing imperialism in order to consolidate the dominant position conferred by the historical context of the moment. In fact, the British Empire did not fade away, it merged into a new reality called Pax Americana.

I believe it is more and more evident that the EU functions as the political arm of the USA/NATO. European sovereignty is a myth and, by extension, the sovereignty of EU member countries has been hijacked by European agreements, laws, norms and political guidelines that highly undermining national sovereignty.

The dominant political-economic ideology is neoliberalism, which strongly limits independent economic policies in order to defend national interests. “Sovereign” countries are not allowed to challenge the omnipotent neoliberal global order, TINA. Margaret Thatcher favorite slogan "There is no alternative"

Public debt buyers dictate the rules of the game in a reality dominated by a financial dictatorship that harms the real economy, impoverishes the citizenry and is responsible for unparalleled social inequality.

For now; this ideology has the power to seduce and intimidate people with the myths of entrepreneurship and meritocracy when in fact it is destroying the real economy in favor of the FIRE sector and the parasitic rentier class.

Europe, by aligning (submitting itself) with the economic, financial and military international order dictated by the US, jeopardizes diplomatic relations with most non-Western countries and in the long run undermines the geopolitical and geostrategic interests of the EU.

Europe will be limited to have diplomatic relations with the puppet governments willing to harm the national interest to maintain good relations with the neocolonialist powers with mutual benefits.

There are plenty of examples of corrupt governments and brutal dictatorial regimes installed by the US, for as long they are willing to align the national policies with the economic, geopolitical and geostrategic interests of US imperialism.

Europe plays the role of junior partner that will be discarded when it is no longer useful. Currently, we are witnessing the destruction of the fabric of European society justified by the need to escalate the war, because it was an unprovoked war. So, Europeans must unconditionally support the crusade against Russian barbarism, even when in fact we are condemning tens of thousands of Ukrainians to death based on a lie, this war was unprovoked is a blatant lie, nevertheless we have the obligation to believe it.

We are jeopardizing the European economy and everything that goes with it and we don’t even have the right to an open and honest discussion of what is at stake instead we have to accept lame justifications for what and why?

If we dare to lift the curtain maybe we realize that the European Commission is restricted of being an echo chamber of US/NATO dictates? That’s what we deserve?

The vassalage rendered by European countries to the American feudal lord is a losing bet. In the first place, because we neither have European nor national sovereignty. The priority always goes to American imperialist interests because the project of global governance and domination is above the European interests as a whole and of European countries as independent nations.

The countries that oppose Western imperialist hegemony represent the majority of the world's population and, in the current historical context, they are leaving behind the condition of political, economic, financial and geostrategic helpless victims of imperialism. Europe is risking of becoming irrelevant if it chooses to be part of the Pax Americana project.

No one can predict the outcome of the belligerence escalation, the deflagration of the third world war interests whom? How will the US/NATO respond in case the Ukrainians are not able to contain the advance of the Russian military?

Will the US deep state, in the meantime try to ignite a new war focus in Taiwan, so that people have one more source of distraction?

Will the Third World War ever be declared, or will we gradually slip into the abyss and by the time we realize it, it will be too late?

No one knows in what state the planet will be in if the third world war triggers a nuclear conflict, a pertinent question persists: what do Europeans have to gain if the outcome of the current crisis is a nuclear holocaust?

Wouldn't it be preferable to avoid escalation and tell our American "friends" that’s enough and demand the resignation of all European politicians that are committed to escalate the war instead of looking for negotiations to end the carnage?

If the inconsistent rhetoric and blatant lies recurrently used by the European  politicians is sufficient to earn our support, we most probably are damned, beyond salvation.

The escalation of the war and a massive investment in an arms race should not happen without politicians having to fully explain the reasons why we have to follow a path in which we Europeans will always be losers, no matter what the end result of the war. The Russians cannot afford to be defeated, the future of Russia is at stake and the bet of the imperialist neocons is to succeed to extend this war until they manage to destabilize Russia internally.

The delusional denialists represent a large percentage of the European population and this is worrying because they do not realize that supporting the Ukrainian government in power is condemning thousands of Ukrainians to death in a war they cannot win unless the political insanity continues to grow within the European political class, that in any case has to be fought in every possible way by the European people before it is too late.

Agreeing to burning books, burning down churches, whitewashing Nazi groups, and turning a blind eye to crimes against humanity to maintain a unipolar hegemony, i.e., Anglo-American imperialist domination known as globalism or world government, amounts to defending European values, regardless what that really means. The average European citizen has nothing to gain from this, except for those who find it amusing to live in a transhumanist society under a techno-fascist regime ideologically and culturally rooted in techno-scientism. 

The Eurasian continental mass is the future of Europe, Atlanticism represents the past. The time has come for Europeans to realize that the welfare of future generations is no longer in the Atlanticist alliance.

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." Albert Einstein. Atlanticism is the way to

self-destruction, why the political class is trapped there is what we have to find out as soon as possible.

If the ordinary European citizen has nothing to gain, neither in the present nor in the future, why do we have to continue on the path of self-destruction? Cui bono?

Political cowardice, ideological entrenchment, divisions and incompatibilities impossible to reconcile, personal interests, threats and blackmail, interference by civil and military intelligence and information agencies serving agendas, corruption, careerism, supremacist arrogance, enough reasons to ignore the signals and let the ship crash against the cliffs hypnotized by the chants of the globalist Mermaids.

The diplomacy conducted by the EU is conditioned by the loyalty owed to the imperialist masters, for me it is clear that there is no real European diplomatic policy. European diplomatic policy is planned and dictated by American interests, it does not matter who the architects are, what counts is who has the power to approve the projects and it is clearly not in the European institutions. If this was not already clear, the European subalternity is now evident and this is unacceptable because Europeans have completely lost the right to decide autonomously.

We are faced with the problem of having people without integrity with high political responsibilities at a critical historical moment, which can have irreversible consequences. Unfortunately, the majority of citizens continue to be carried away by the propaganda of demonization of Russia and China.

Two of the countries with which we must maintain good diplomatic relations because Europe's economic survival depends on the cooperation with emerging economies.

African, South American, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern countries, as sovereign nations or as part of organizations such as the BRICS, represent the future of Europe.

If Europe persists in prioritizing the Atlanticist relationship, the countries that are in the process of freeing themselves from the Western neocolonialist grip (military, economic and financial) will establish relations with the emerging powers. Too many Western citizens strongly believe in the demonization narratives of Russians and Chinese (among others) but the experience of citizens of the global South leads them to be more skeptical than Western audiences. They are aware that the West lies, cheats, steals, occupies, enslaves and kills without showing a sign of repentance.

It is up to us ordinary citizens, at least those who are aware of what is at stake, to somehow try to put an end to the political insanity with which we are confronted.

We cannot continue to be governed by politicians completely sold to the enemy, and let me be clear, in the current situation the enemy is the US/NATO and the faster the Europeans realize this, the sooner we can put an end to the madness.

The war can be fixed diplomatically, Americans without European support cannot continue the war, some East European countries and the Balkan states are likely to maintain the anti-Russian animosity, as for Nordic countries, I only have one thing to say, disgust.

The countries of Central and Southern Europe can and must make a difference by taking a clear political position and forcing the European Commission to change course, because the EU is a union of countries, and if the European institutions are not trustworthy and take decisions against the best interests of Europeans, it is preferable to scrap the EU once and for all. How can we allow the EU Commission to implement policies against European interests and everything remains the same?

After all, the responsibility is ours, we are the ones who have a lot to lose and being cynical does not change the course of history, it is time for political action.