domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2023

Competition is a sin, John D. Rockefeller was right

Intergenerational cooperation and solidarity were and continue to be crucial for the survival of social animals, such as the human species.

The innate motivation for cooperative interdependence and solidarity has been replaced by submission to organized political, socioeconomic, and ideological-cultural systems with the power to punish, coerce, stigmatize, ostracize, exploit, and enslave to enforce "respect" for property rights, private ownership, privileges, and rentier parasitism.

These systems are based on the asymmetry of the exercise of power, which Frédéric Bastiat accurately defines in the quote, "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

Participatory democracy instead of systems of power based on wealth accumulation and social control.

Productivist growthism, technofixism, and technoscientism form a structural ideological trinity of the capitalist political economy that justifies the privatization and commodification of literally everything.

Ecosocialism, as I imagine it, is the return to forms of political economy based on democratic cooperation that does not have to be collectivist but focused on the decommodification and definancialization of the economy, society, and nature.