segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2022

Reflections on the war of all wars, the war to conquer our minds

Real war is not virtual wargaming, although both have terrible impacts on people's psycho-affective health. In real war, human beings annihilate each other and/or are reduced to pieces by bombing and life ends. For those who die it is the end, the conflict is over and the “higher values” decreed by those who have no intention to put their lives on the line no longer matter.

The war games propaganda “values” are tailored to seduce, convince, drag or simply coerce others to the battlefront.

There is no glory in war, only crimes against humanity. “War is politics (diplomacy) by other means”, statements like these gloss over the use of war as a way to defend interests where values ​​such as justice and the common good are left out of the equation. 

Most wars are manufactured and that is what makes the resort to war a political and moral failure of the whole society. The dissemination of fictitious threats, the demonization of groups, peoples and nations with the single purpose of manipulating public perception (necessary illusions) to manufacture consent to guarantee backing for lies turned into irrefutable dogmas to protect class interests.

That’s why we need to be able to analyse propaganda through the lens of class warfare to prevent defending our arch-enemies: oligarchs, plutocrats, the deep state rentier class. They are the ones that benefit with imperialistic wars not us, the middle-lower exploited classes.

The lies to prepare society for war must be seen as a real war against humanity, when information is framed to manipulate the citizenry for a manufactured war, those responsible for the propaganda are war criminals because they are intentionally lying to get support for wars that are avoidable, wars motivated by geostrategic agendas, not wars to defend values.

The war on values ​​waged against ordinary citizens is frequently won by the interests that wage it, they end up convincing the majority that the government is forced by the circumstances to resort to war to defend the values ​​that they actually are willing to destroy at home.

It doesn’t really matter when the powers that be control all the resources at every level/layer of social strata to assure the success of the information war against common sense and the common good. 

This is actually what recurrently happens and only a minority has the discernment to see through the backstage manipulations and try to warn of the real dangers that lies represent but they end up being demonized by the same machine that disseminates the propaganda to manufacture consent. 

"The first casualty of War is Truth",5753,-21510,00.html

Indeed, truth is a permanent victim of the information war machine devised to conquer our minds. An ongoing war that continues to be neglected and poorly analyzed despite being the war behind all wars. The war that guarantees the necessary strategic consent of ordinary citizenry, the recurring victims of mass deception campaigns throughout human history.

We have not yet been able to design an effective counterculture movement to defeat the liars in charge. I would dare to say that it is imperative to design one for the sake of what’s left of our humanity.