quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2022

Are there alternative solutions or is techno-slavery the (final) solution?

It is impossible to have social justice and participatory political economy in a hierarchical class-based society in which power is administered from the top down. A class-based society rewards blind obedience and careerist connivance with privileges and entitlements as a means to protect and reinforce the established order and the power structure.

Power is indeed at the heart of the problem. Obviously, power is an instrument of control and accumulation of wealth. When an individual, group or organization manages to gain the trust of a community or nation with passionate speeches highlighting skills, talents and even supernatural powers, manipulating images and symbols through initiation and brotherhood rituals, appealing to national, ethno-racial, ideological or religious can turn any community into a killing machine.

The exploitation and manipulation of human frailties, insecurities and real or fictitious fears should put people in the state of high alert. Allowing an individual, group, organization or government to make decisions on behalf of the community, nation or country and have the power to coerce the community members into obedience based on top down command is the beginning of the end of any realistic possibility that justice can prevail.

PREMISE FOUR: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.


We have to reflect on the real causes and roots of  the cancer called civilization. Contemporary civilization suffers of advanced stage cancer spreading metastases throughout the living organism known as Planet Earth.

Normalizing the existing model of human civilization is unnatural and anti-human. Many of us live enraptured and mesmerized by the extraordinary achievements of human techno-scientific ingenuity, but all of this has been achieved at the expense of exploitation, enslavement, humiliation, degradation and annihilation of millions of human beings, devastation of ecosystems and mass extinction. 

Beyond the smokescreen and deceitful soundbites if there is any intellectual and moral honesty left, illustrative of what human behavior should be, most of us are still able to realize that the current path is wrong and will lead us to a dead end. But moving forward in the hope that technological innovation, energy transition and the evolution of the human species towards transhumanism at the end of the day will save us from extinction.

A paradigm shift has to be a voluntary and conscious option, the consumer society is neither sustainable nor desirable. But how can we have a different society, simpler lives, simplicity and the precautionary principle should be a ubiquitous tool whenever we analyze what is happening around us and reflect on what the future should be.

Honest debates searching for democratic solutions, no Great Resets, no great delusions and much less the common cynicism that many adopt to disqualify those who actually want an open and honest discussion.

We continue to accelerate the destructive power using techno-fix solutions. The official message is that humanity just needs to implement the fourth industrial revolution, the green and digital transition, make cities "smarter" the idea that adding more techno-scientific complexity to a system that is already overloaded makes it more efficient.

Complex societies do not become more resilient to collapse by increasing their complexity, the more complex they are, the more easily they collapse like a house of cards. 

The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph A. Tainter 


Humanity's survival should never depend on biotechnology and nano-engineering. Technoscientism is turning scientists into "creators" in the arrogant temptation to rewrite natural evolution.   

What is the purpose and Cui Bono? 

In whose interest is the fourth industrial revolution, the financialization of nature (ecosystem services), transhumanism and how will the rising “Civilization” be implemented, imposed? Through technofeudalism, technofascism!

Who are the globalists that dictate the WEF agenda for global governance,

Should we put everything and everyone in the same bag?

Some people believe that there is a conspiracy of the top rulers of the world's most powerful countries behind the Great Reset Agenda and that geopolitical divisions and geostrategic interests are mere smokescreens to keep the general public alienated? My opinion goes more to the existence of an Anglophone Hydra that represents the interests of the Anglo-American deep state following the doctrine of Full-Spectrum Dominance.

Humanity needs balanced societal systems capable of satisfying human needs, not superfluous whims and greed. What I see is naive reliance on techno-solutionism and dependence on convenience.

Could there be other purposes for society than to produce oligarchs at the expense of exploiting the rest of us and the destruction of the environment? I believe there are. 

There is also the natural desire to advocate for the coexistence of less alienated human communities with biodiversity and the maintenance of thriving ecosystems.

Are we not able to discern that the contemporary lifestyle consumer culture (US cultural colonization) is unsustainable, that consumerism is a problem weakens our will with absurd conveniences? 

Commodification is the wrong path and we are in the path to commodify the human species, in the pursuit to become transhumanist technoslaves.