quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023

This comment earned me a warning from YouTube for violating community guidelines.

This answer was part of an already ongoing conversation.

This morning, I watched the video Tim Clancy on "Evidence of Terror Contagion - Role of Experiments, Confidence Building & Testing" https://youtu.be/bPtcWqsp47Q?si=M0Ca9YlTdPjWFk9n.

I do not question the (limited) validity of the methodology used.

The point is that "solutions" that intentionally or unintentionally leave out the root causes of problems always end up benefiting the powers that be.

The  DSM https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm offers an example of faulted diagnosis methods focused on healing the symptoms, using drugs that, in many cases, cause more harm than good because they ignore the underpinning complexity of social, economic, and cultural factors that cause cumulative psycho-affective disharmony that can degenerate into serious mental problems.

Obviously, there are mental disorders caused by genuine anatomical, physiological, and functional changes in the neurocognitive and biochemical neuronal systems.

We must be intellectually honest and take into account the implicit and explicit structural violence, the glue that keeps dysfunctional societies afloat.

By diagnosing problems based on "convenient" parameters to facilitate problem modeling while ignoring underlying systemic variables, we are not actually solving anything.

My life experience tells me that if we continue to be stuck in models that only give us partial answers, we are kicking the can down the road, making the hypothesis of the collapse of civilization more real with each passing day.

As an alternative, we have a technofascist transhumanist dystopia that will be sold to us based on the promise of human enhancement, health miracles, and even immortality.

Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science 2002 edition https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/bioecon-%28%23%20023SUPP%29%20NSF-NBIC.pdf