sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the WSF 2009

Where and when will the WSF 2009 will happen?

The WSF 2009 will happen in Brazil, in the city of Belem, in the state of Para, from January 27th until February 1st.

In what spaces will the WSF 2009 happen?

The WSF 2009’s territory defined until now includes the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia) – UFRA, the Federal University of Para (Universidade Federal do Pará) - UFPA and the NPI as a space for camping and activities.

How do I participate?

There will be registrations for organizations and its members, individuals, medias, volunteers and self-organizing activities. The registration process for WSF 2009 starts in mid-August and will be made only in the website http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/. The first moment will be dedicated to register self-managed activities. Regarding the WSF Charter of Principles, activities can only be proposed by organizations. The second stage of registration process will attend individual participants and media.


The Facilitation Group in Belem is taking a series of initiatives to attend the several requests that are already coming concerning participants accommodation during the World Social Forum 2009.

A form to request solidarity accommodation – family and alternative – will be available in August in the website http://www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br/.

The alternative accommodation consists on schools, gymnasiums, religious and other organizations that will offer their spaces to WSF participants. The other modality of solidarity accommodation consists in local family's houses.

The solidarity accommodation costs can vary from zero to R$25,00 (about 15 US dollars). More details about accommodation options and how to request solidarity accommodation will be sent soon.

Concerning the standard accommodation, the Facilitation Group would like to inform that due to the reduced number of beds, Belem hotels are charging abusive prices – around 4 or 5 times more than the usual.

The Facilitation Group also would like to inform that there's no official travel agency for the WSF. Standard accommodation should be discussed directly by the participants organizations and the hotels in Belem, or using the travel agencies that the organizations are used to work with.

Which are the WSF 2009 Organization Committee contacts?

WSF 2009 OfficeWebsite:
Phone: +55-91-3222-8530
E-mails: escritorio@fsm2009amazonia.org.br