Image Source: CelticBear’s Musings
"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." -Carl Sagan
The Guide To Thinking Straight
Our brains have evolved in such a way that thinking around corners is something we do naturally. We are by nature problem solvers and we are always trying to spot the patterns in the world around us - in fact we are happier with a pattern than without one even if we have to make it up because no such pattern exists. We can fall into the trap of making false arguments which don’t make sense - we will literally think around corners sometimes.
“Logical errors are, I think, of greater practical importance than many people believe; they enable their perpetrators to hold the comfortable opinion on every subject in turn.” -Bertrand Russell
“There's a mighty big difference between good, sound reasons and reasons that sound good.” -Burton Hillis