quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2024

Europeans created the Capitalocene (globalized imperialist capitalism) based on blatant plunder, military domination, political-economic control, human enslavement, and environmental destruction for profit.

More recently, Anglo-American financial imperialism (Wall Street and the City of London) developed the parasitic rentier financial capitalism (financialization of the economy and ecosystem services), putting pressure on the Global South to open its economies to deepen dependence and increase loot.

Those who focus the blame on the Anthropos while omitting the role of the Capitalocene, class society, and the enclosure of the commons are intellectual charlatans.

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." - Albert Einstein.

Capitalist technoscientism wants to "save" the planet Earth by following the pathway that brought humanity to the actual mess.

Comment on the video:  https://youtu.be/QCFGS6z9CxM?si=WYoa12CO8RcR20sp

segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2024

 It was not agriculture per se that is to blame; many indigenous people domesticated plants and animals without causing significant environmental changes. 

The problem begins with the emergence of societies organized into classes and castes in which the idea of ​​accumulation of wealth and the centralization of power becomes acceptable. The higher classes could live in luxury and extravagance, detached from the suffering caused to others. 

The cancer is the naturalization of social superiority, entitlement, and privilege, as well as the ruler's divine rights and ownership as a source of enrichment and power reinforcement.

It was the naturalization and glorification of imperialism and colonialism, which means the triumph of sociopathy and psychopathy over empathy and compassion, and the adoption of monotheist religions separating the human race from nature that made us believe that we are separated from nature. 

European rulers thought they had the divine role of civilizing the world as justification for the imperialist plunder and hegemonic control.

The naturalization of imperialist civilization, not agriculture, brought us to the Capitalocene. 

Capitalism is a cancer in the web of life, and imperial colonialism is how it spreads the metastasis.

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/dQg3QnfJ8Rw?si=-NZAV5PT7DqlqaoU

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

- Upton Sinclair

sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2024

The globalization of financial capitalism (market fundamentalism) has had highly destructive consequences for the real economy of the leading proponents of global domination, namely the US & UK (Anglo-American imperialism).

Relocating investment and production to underdeveloped countries allowed China, the prominent example, to develop economically and techno-scientifically.

On the other hand, although sanctions work in countries with less developed economies (dependent on the importation of agricultural products and technology), they do not work in countries with Russia's potential. 

The neoliberal revolution was meant to be the economic, financial, and monetary arm of the "globalist" project for full-spectrum dominance. The global network of military bases and installations and the military power of the USA/NATO were meant to be the military arm that the neocons counted on to establish the End of History and confirm TINA. 

But neoliberalism (rentier post-industrial capitalism) came to determine the decadence of the West and paradoxically ended up boosting the rise of the so-called global South.

And now what? 

War to contain the inevitable rise of a multipolar world, which might determine global annihilation as the alternative to global domination!!!

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/BCRuPfrvQCY?si=MpFN-672yLz94W8G

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024

Freedom of choice in a capitalist system: the freedom to be screwed by the financial system (banks, insurance companies and the like).

Free market: market regulated by a legal system written by law firms to ensure that profits are accrued by the parasitic rentier class (the FIRE sector).

Reading suggestion

The Capital Code: How Law Creates Wealth and Inequality by Katharina Pistor


Comment on the video: https://www.youtube.com/live/Ei_MHw31aBE?si=N4irs7xWu-SMry1t

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024

 Seeing through the bullshit without developing analytical skills of complex systems, class consciousness, and feeling the need to organize and fight for a social and ecological political economy that serves the collective good does not disturb the current path that opens towards a techno-fascist transhumanist dystopia.

Focusing on local and proximity issues to make communities more resilient (nothing against it) does not generate political agency and will not shake the power of the oligarchic State.

Complex societies require an organized state; visions of the State or its abolition that do not take into account that the accumulation of wealth and private property and/or the development of bureaucratic and technocratic hierarchies always lead to the seizure of power by psychopaths and sociopaths who feel entitled to control humanity.

“Power grants nothing without a demand. This has never happened and will never happen. Find out exactly what any person will silently submit to, and you will find out the exact measure of injustice and wrong that will be forced upon them, and these will continue until they are resisted with words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the resistance of those whom they oppress.”

-Frederick Douglass

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/skoNAt-ey3I?si=In7KNtN0Ic7X6j8O