quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2022

Are there alternative solutions or is techno-slavery the (final) solution?

It is impossible to have social justice and participatory political economy in a hierarchical class-based society in which power is administered from the top down. A class-based society rewards blind obedience and careerist connivance with privileges and entitlements as a means to protect and reinforce the established order and the power structure.

Power is indeed at the heart of the problem. Obviously, power is an instrument of control and accumulation of wealth. When an individual, group or organization manages to gain the trust of a community or nation with passionate speeches highlighting skills, talents and even supernatural powers, manipulating images and symbols through initiation and brotherhood rituals, appealing to national, ethno-racial, ideological or religious can turn any community into a killing machine.

The exploitation and manipulation of human frailties, insecurities and real or fictitious fears should put people in the state of high alert. Allowing an individual, group, organization or government to make decisions on behalf of the community, nation or country and have the power to coerce the community members into obedience based on top down command is the beginning of the end of any realistic possibility that justice can prevail.

PREMISE FOUR: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.


We have to reflect on the real causes and roots of  the cancer called civilization. Contemporary civilization suffers of advanced stage cancer spreading metastases throughout the living organism known as Planet Earth.

Normalizing the existing model of human civilization is unnatural and anti-human. Many of us live enraptured and mesmerized by the extraordinary achievements of human techno-scientific ingenuity, but all of this has been achieved at the expense of exploitation, enslavement, humiliation, degradation and annihilation of millions of human beings, devastation of ecosystems and mass extinction. 

Beyond the smokescreen and deceitful soundbites if there is any intellectual and moral honesty left, illustrative of what human behavior should be, most of us are still able to realize that the current path is wrong and will lead us to a dead end. But moving forward in the hope that technological innovation, energy transition and the evolution of the human species towards transhumanism at the end of the day will save us from extinction.

A paradigm shift has to be a voluntary and conscious option, the consumer society is neither sustainable nor desirable. But how can we have a different society, simpler lives, simplicity and the precautionary principle should be a ubiquitous tool whenever we analyze what is happening around us and reflect on what the future should be.

Honest debates searching for democratic solutions, no Great Resets, no great delusions and much less the common cynicism that many adopt to disqualify those who actually want an open and honest discussion.

We continue to accelerate the destructive power using techno-fix solutions. The official message is that humanity just needs to implement the fourth industrial revolution, the green and digital transition, make cities "smarter" the idea that adding more techno-scientific complexity to a system that is already overloaded makes it more efficient.

Complex societies do not become more resilient to collapse by increasing their complexity, the more complex they are, the more easily they collapse like a house of cards. 

The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph A. Tainter 


Humanity's survival should never depend on biotechnology and nano-engineering. Technoscientism is turning scientists into "creators" in the arrogant temptation to rewrite natural evolution.   

What is the purpose and Cui Bono? 

In whose interest is the fourth industrial revolution, the financialization of nature (ecosystem services), transhumanism and how will the rising “Civilization” be implemented, imposed? Through technofeudalism, technofascism!

Who are the globalists that dictate the WEF agenda for global governance,

Should we put everything and everyone in the same bag?

Some people believe that there is a conspiracy of the top rulers of the world's most powerful countries behind the Great Reset Agenda and that geopolitical divisions and geostrategic interests are mere smokescreens to keep the general public alienated? My opinion goes more to the existence of an Anglophone Hydra that represents the interests of the Anglo-American deep state following the doctrine of Full-Spectrum Dominance.

Humanity needs balanced societal systems capable of satisfying human needs, not superfluous whims and greed. What I see is naive reliance on techno-solutionism and dependence on convenience.

Could there be other purposes for society than to produce oligarchs at the expense of exploiting the rest of us and the destruction of the environment? I believe there are. 

There is also the natural desire to advocate for the coexistence of less alienated human communities with biodiversity and the maintenance of thriving ecosystems.

Are we not able to discern that the contemporary lifestyle consumer culture (US cultural colonization) is unsustainable, that consumerism is a problem weakens our will with absurd conveniences? 

Commodification is the wrong path and we are in the path to commodify the human species, in the pursuit to become transhumanist technoslaves.

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2022

Reflections on the war of all wars, the war to conquer our minds

Real war is not virtual wargaming, although both have terrible impacts on people's psycho-affective health. In real war, human beings annihilate each other and/or are reduced to pieces by bombing and life ends. For those who die it is the end, the conflict is over and the “higher values” decreed by those who have no intention to put their lives on the line no longer matter.

The war games propaganda “values” are tailored to seduce, convince, drag or simply coerce others to the battlefront.

There is no glory in war, only crimes against humanity. “War is politics (diplomacy) by other means”, statements like these gloss over the use of war as a way to defend interests where values ​​such as justice and the common good are left out of the equation. 

Most wars are manufactured and that is what makes the resort to war a political and moral failure of the whole society. The dissemination of fictitious threats, the demonization of groups, peoples and nations with the single purpose of manipulating public perception (necessary illusions) to manufacture consent to guarantee backing for lies turned into irrefutable dogmas to protect class interests.

That’s why we need to be able to analyse propaganda through the lens of class warfare to prevent defending our arch-enemies: oligarchs, plutocrats, the deep state rentier class. They are the ones that benefit with imperialistic wars not us, the middle-lower exploited classes.

The lies to prepare society for war must be seen as a real war against humanity, when information is framed to manipulate the citizenry for a manufactured war, those responsible for the propaganda are war criminals because they are intentionally lying to get support for wars that are avoidable, wars motivated by geostrategic agendas, not wars to defend values.

The war on values ​​waged against ordinary citizens is frequently won by the interests that wage it, they end up convincing the majority that the government is forced by the circumstances to resort to war to defend the values ​​that they actually are willing to destroy at home.

It doesn’t really matter when the powers that be control all the resources at every level/layer of social strata to assure the success of the information war against common sense and the common good. 

This is actually what recurrently happens and only a minority has the discernment to see through the backstage manipulations and try to warn of the real dangers that lies represent but they end up being demonized by the same machine that disseminates the propaganda to manufacture consent. 

"The first casualty of War is Truth" 


Indeed, truth is a permanent victim of the information war machine devised to conquer our minds. An ongoing war that continues to be neglected and poorly analyzed despite being the war behind all wars. The war that guarantees the necessary strategic consent of ordinary citizenry, the recurring victims of mass deception campaigns throughout human history.

We have not yet been able to design an effective counterculture movement to defeat the liars in charge. I would dare to say that it is imperative to design one for the sake of what’s left of our humanity.

sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2022

Imperialism, capitalism, globalism and the Anglo-American Empire

The WEF Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution transcribed into reality means the implementation of a globalized techno-fascist system for the development of a transhumanist society along with the financialization of nature.

The American Empire is a continuation of the British Empire together with the British Commonwealth of Nations or just Commonwealth. They all owe allegiance to the British King or Queen, which means that they all have a duty to contribute to the consolidation of the global empire voluntarily or otherwise. 

Influential families, royal bloodlines, and the long-term interests of the deep state take decades or centuries to consolidate.

What really matters is the project, the members and partnerships change and adapt, but the goals remain the same. 

The idea of ​​a global-scale empire and hegemonic domination is centuries old. Many people seem oblivious to this and are easily deluded with wild conspiracy theories rather than looking for the conspiracy facts.

The role of secret sects and fraternal organizations like Freemasonry, exists to perpetuate the influence of a select group over generations that forms the core of the deep state and dictates the global governance in order to design the monetary and financial policies to control the natural assets and the real economy.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.” and “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”- Frédéric Bastiat

Apply these rules to a global scale and there we have a system of global governance grounded on the control of the global financial system. For some reason money is a taboo subject, just a few people discuss openly and honestly how it is created and allocated and who are the real beneficiaries of the existing system?

The ordinary citizenry recognizes that it is not just a handful of rotten apples, but the mainstream  economists and analysts keep repeating the same misconceptions and lies therefore most people believe the system can’t be replaced, maybe some reforms can be implemented but the core system must stay in place.

 What my reasoning tells me is that we live in a highly toxic cultural environment of cynical nihilism translated into political inertia that makes society increasingly dysfunctional and the problems won’t go away just because we bury our heads in the sand of cultural deserts like NETFLIX or be drowned into conspiracy theories designed to shift the blame to convenient scapegoats.  

Each of us “chooses” the narratives or protagonists that, at the moment, best fulfill and reinforce dominant ideological biases in a feedback loop.

quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2022

Full-spectrum dominance or full-spectrum cooperation

The idea of ​​global domination is not new, a new world order, globalization, world government has been on the geopolitical agenda for a long time.

We need to understand that China and Russia would be destroyed by the Anglo-American Empire because they simply are the counter-powers to  the current hegemonic unipolar order, threatening the globalist agenda, an Anglo-American project set in full swing with the globalization, the economic order based on the financialization of the economy controlled by the western plutocratic deep state class.

We have to realize that this is a multi-generational project, the deep state plans need to be adjusted and it requires the ability to act in a timely manner and be focused in the objectives, and they don’t give up easily.

Globalization was first and foremost the imposition of a global financial system that no country could circumvent. Money is the lifeblood of the economy, whoever controls the circulatory system controls the global economy secured by the military might to keep the system safe.

Military interventions, coups d'état, color revolutions, instrumentalization of terrorist groups; political opposition groups sponsored, trained and financed to cause sociopolitical chaos and instigate regime change; campaigns of demonization and dehumanization carried out by the PR machine and/or directly by CIA and cutouts like NED, fraudulent NGOs and the resort to every tool of the arrogant, warmongering imperialist “legitimate” toolbox to protect the unipolar hegemonic order.

The US wants to control the rules of global governance, which means codifying in international law the rules of global financialized capitalism controlled by the Anglo-American deep state in a hegemonic way, which means impossible to challenge, neutralize and oppose/counter.

This is why the Anglo-American imperialists systematically attack national sovereignty because if the national interest prevails and democracy works and elections are effectively free of foreign intervention, then local communities, regional and national governments have legal and institutional power to counter global capitalism and avoid financial enslavement.

It is the power to override national law that makes globalists powerful, they wield too much influence at all levels of international organizations to ensure that these institutions work on their behalf. That has been the project of western elites for a long time to be able to dictate the rules of global governance which is the real agenda behind the concept of a world government.

The globalization of the real economy requires a set of rules and laws that facilitate commercial exchanges without harming the national interest.

Globalization can be used to promote balanced economic development and contribute to the prosperity of all nations through cooperation while prevent ecological collapse and mitigate the negative effects of human intervention in the biosphere.

The world needs cooperation, not militarization and if we, the inhabitants of this planet, don't realize this soon, it could mean the end of humanity. And make no mistake, the real culprits for the mess we're in today are the western powers, not because the rest of the world's population are innocent little angels, but because the international stage has been managed by the western powers.

It was the Americans that “prescribed” the Full Spectrum Dominance  Doctrine as a tool to global domination at any cost, human, environmental, economic and financial, only those who live in a delusional reality can believe that Russia and China are to blame for the mess we are in.

Globalization with the aim of imposing a global financial order that overrides strategic monetary, financial and economic policies emanating from national sovereign governments has a single objective transform sovereign nations into subservient vassal states to the emerging technofeudalistic order, which is part of the globalist project.

An international financial system is essential to facilitate bank transfers and other forms of payment to normalize cross-border trade.

A transparent, independent and fair system is required to replace the current predatory, imperialistic, sadistic system that does not serve the interests of the majority of the world's population by any possible stretch of the imagination.

The system in place is controlled by the Anglo-American deep state rentier class and their influence in the international stage needs to be curtailed, they must be made toothless.

Most nations have something to gain from the implementation of new international systems of economic and financial exchange. Enough of a financial system tailor-made to turn nations and sovereign citizens into perpetual debtors.

There is no evidence that the current system cannot be replaced, indeed it is imperative that it be.

There is much evidence of how pernicious the current system is for the world economy and also for the economies of Western countries that represent the core of the predatory system, poverty and social inequality increase proportionally with the deepening of the financialized capitalism.

A financial system designed and perfected over decades to be controlled in an absolutist, centralized, despotic, imperialist and neocolonialist way by the Anglo-American rentier class that intends to dictate the global governance and demands its fulfillment without exception.

For the recalcitrants, economic blockades, sanctions, political meddling, false-flag and regime change operations and military interventions to make clear who is the boss.

quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2022

Globalism, globalization and global governnce

After the World War II, the US was in an advantageous position to assume the role of superpower. The Marshall Plan was designed to ensure that Western Europe would align with the US geostrategic interests.

NATO was created in 1949 with the aim to build a strategic alliance to prepare for the Cold War. 

NATO (with the support of the CIA) was behind terrorist operations (Operation Gladio) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio) in European countries with the objective to put the blame on communists and other far-left organizations which at the time were quite popular in many European countries.

That’s why the US backed many coups of democratic elected leaders, such as Mohammad Mosaddegh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh and Salvador Allende https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Allende, just to mention two well-known examples to install murderous dictators compliant with the US foreign geostrategic policies.

Governments that implemented free public health and education,  maintained strategic assets in the public domain, defend economic sovereignty and protect public banking were vilified and subjected to blackmail, threats, sanctions and economic blockades and subjected to false-flag operations, coups and regime change attempts perpetrated and/or supported by the CIA and cutouts.

These manipulations and maneuvers took place not because these governments were against globalization, but because these governments dare to defend a multipolar order, a model of globalization that respects national sovereignty, while the US and its allies want to impose a techno-fascist globalist imperialist hegemonic governance.

Globalization has always been about the US deep state dictating the global governance without the effective need of a ​​world government. A unipolar hegemon with centralized financial control codified into law to legitimize the dictates of a globalized economic governance backed by a wide range of military bases and organizations such as NATO and more recently AUKUS, a mix of cooperation on advanced cyber, artificial intelligence and autonomy, quantum technologies, undersea capabilities, hypersonic and counter-hypersonic, electronic warfare and information sharing.

The full spectrum dominance doctrine for the end of history, meant that the US and its allies would develop a global system that theoretically would be invincible and last forever.

Communism and socialism have always been seen by the Western rentier class as a threat to their interests, for obvious reasons.

The western ruling elites controlled the global economy for five centuries and during the twentieth century a global financial system was imposed by the UK&US plutocratic elites to control the bloodstream of the economy by financializing it. That was called free-market capitalism.

Whoever controls the wealth controls society through the control of information. Information is the raw material used to create and shape culture. Ideas have consequences when transformed into cultural tools. The funding goes to ethical, aesthetic and ideological  expressions and projects that best serve the interests of the deep state - the permanent power who controls the powers that manipulate the strings that animate the representations that we, the people must perceive as reality.

Ethical, aesthetic and ideological expressions that exhibit traces of discontent with the established order are disqualified and demonized regardless of their intrinsic value because the objective is to prevent their growth, that has nothing to do with the genuine value and usefulness.

Globalism, World Government, Great Reset are buzzwords used by many people to denounce the eugenics programs and plans to enslave humanity by a world elite connected with the WEF.

These ideas are mostly disseminated by right-wing or libertarian groups and media personalities who believe or intend to make others believe that communism and fascism are just two sides of the same coin and they are all together in the same bed to enslave the humanity.

The prevailing anti-communist mentality puts everything in the same bag and there are those who think that globalism is a Chinese conspiracy to dominate the world. Which is absolute nonsensical!

China has a long history and nothing indicates that the Chinese want to replace the Americans as the hegemon, but obviously it is not possible to know what China will look like in the future.

The actual truth is that Russia and China have to defend themselves against the US/NATO intention to destroy the territorial integrity of both countries to end up like Iraq or Libya. That fits a realistic globalist agenda.

If humanity wants to have a future, we, the ordinary citizenry that shares planet Earth with the rest of the living community, have to, once and for all, say no to imperialism and since capitalism depends on imperialism and colonialism to prosper, we have to say no to capitalism.

The globalist agenda is not a conspiracy theory, it is historical fact and was conceived by Western elites as a long-term project to gain control of the world.

Of course, it is not possible to implement a global governance without the complicity of motivated partners, skin color, religious creed, gender identity or any identity politics preferences matter, what really matters is the commitment and the rewards.

People that share skin color, culture and religion will pay with blood, tears, sweat and toil because in any class-based system, local, national or global, above anything else comes class privilege. When it comes to privilege and personal enrichment patriotism becomes a virtue of the poor.

The financial system designed and developed by the West proves the intention of using globalization as a way to impose neocolonialism through debt enslavement and we should be aware that the so-called allies, such as the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) were and continue to be subjugated by this hateful way of enslaving what should be sovereign countries.

The system was designed to gain control of national economies resorting to international financial institutions as the means to destroy sovereign control of monetary and financial policies.

The governance dictated by the western deep state, a set of people, families and interests with temporal continuity that literally want to control the world, which means, to dictate global governance and have the means (intelligence, military, NGOs, etc…) to impose it, even to the most recalcitrant.

For as long as it will be possible to convince the majority of the western citizenry that certain regimes, ideologies, peoples, creeds, races, cultures, etc... do not have the right to exist because they represent a danger to the so-called rules-based international order, which basically means the hegemonic western imperialist neocolonialist globalist order to which every nation must imperatively obey or face the consequences, the prospective to any form of a thriving coexistence is very slim.

The western powers have the right to interfere, harass, vilify, demonize, sanction and annihilate any nation that supposedly poses a risk to our way of life, they hate our freedoms! Could they hate the US and the neocolonialist powers as a whole because of the plunder, destruction, the crimes against humanity and environment destruction perpetrated as an excuse to bring democracy, human rights and freedom to people that only want to have the right to be sovereign.

Nobody of our noble elites was convicted for the crimes committed by the US/NATO interventions. Lies are disseminated, impunity is normalized, the law doesn’t apply to those that claim to defend the rules-based order and higher democratic values.

Remember Moammar Gadhafi, the Libyan leader, was murdered because he wanted to break free from the hegemony of the petrodollar, for that he was punished with death sentence. He just wanted the African continent to be liberated from the odious western domination but to our democratic values that’s inadmissible.

sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2022

If we don't cultivate class consciousness, we don't have class consciousness

Class consciousness means that we are aware where we stand in the socioeconomic ladder.

We should never feel guilt or shame of belonging to an “inferior” class, but that’s what happens in many circumstances. We are responsible for the decisions we make but we don’t make decisions in a social vacuum.

The belief that we make decisions based on freewill is a myth, we don’t decide freely, the decision making process is mainly subconscious bringing to the table variables that won’t be known consciously, which have to do with life experience, character and personality traits and whatever makes each one of us unique.

The societal order demands compliance but doesn’t respect individual differences,  rewards compliance and punishes defiance which means that nonconformists always have problems because they tend to confront authority.

The more we see reality through the lens of class consciousness the better we understand the myths of meritocracy, privilege and entitlement. Hard work has to be meaningful work, what I mean is that we need to produce goods and provide services that fulfill real needs, innovation and economic viability are not synonym of usefulness much less sustainability, and environmental policies need to go along with economic and social policies for fairness and effectiveness.

Most social interactions incorporate traits of class prejudice even among family members and friends, it should not be a surprise how privilege, entitlement and class superiority is so prevalent, we need to ask ourselves why do we comply instead of defy it?

We are conditioned by variables beyond our control, much of the information to which we are exposed by obligation (school, job) or any other reason involves perception management, we need to be aware that there is nothing natural about the socio-cultural environments where we live, human societies are artificial creations and there is no other way for us to understand reality but through narratives that are tailored to shape the way we perceive it.

Class consciousness has to cultivated like any other subject, everything requires learning and training, if the choice is not conscious we will end up being caught in ideological and cultural traps by default.

The diversity of traps appealing to individual ethical and aesthetic taste and other particular traits are actually designed to shield the established order while giving the illusion of choice and contribute to social pacification.

What really matters is usually way from the spotlight and is often difficult to swallow, and rarely brings recognition but attracts those who need to dig deeper and understand better.

The point is, we need to analyze critically the information we are exposed to, there is always agendas behind every piece of information mostly to manufacturing consent and the main reason why so many people back individuals, organizations, political parties and absurd ideas which go against their best interests it’s because propaganda works.

Western imperialist hegemony demands engagement in participatory annihilation to save the capitalist rentier class

Cynicism, social desensitization (insensitivity), imbecility and infantilization are, in my view, dominant traits of alienation as a consequence of the capitalist consumer culture that has commodified most social relations.   

The ubiquity of information technologies contributes greatly to the growth of social alienation. Most of social interactions are  increasingly mediated by technology, to the point that we are no longer able to socialize without resorting to electronic devices that have practically become biological appendages.   City dwellers, especially those who migrated from the countryside with little schooling, are conditioned to adopt the competitive and individualistic way of life imposed by the capitalist market society. Of course, each citizen is a particular case, some will have family support, others will be on their own trying to survive in precarious conditions, competition for scarce resources in a sociocultural and economic environment where mistrust and exploitation are basic laws of survival.  

Capitalist-type consumption societies offer a diversity of employment and business opportunities that help to remediate the immediate problem of survival, but with the growing commodification of human relations the feeling of belonging to a community is basically non-existent.

Uncertainty and helplessness are the constant driving many people lives who cannot expect anything from a dehumanized society that sees people as disposable useless trash. Capitalism in whatever shape or form will always produce social exclusion because the relentless, reckless parasitic rentier capitalist class is in a permanent state of war for dominance and control. 

The emerging middle class tends to copy the consumption habits of the established upper-middle class and, in the case of developing countries the western consumption culture frequently functions as the role model. 

The western consumption habits make people feel sophisticated, parroting and imitating influencers and celebrities that disseminate a delusional perception of western civilization through the superficiality of consumer culture, fame and success are enough to dazzle the consumer-spectators commodified human-beings in line to happily become transhumans.

sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2022

Decentralized power in complex societies for economic equality, social justice, local autonomy and environmental protection

Capitalism is considered the best system to produce abundance because the free-market competition stimulates entrepreneurship and focuses the human creative imagination on transforming ideas into businesses opportunities in the legitimate pursuit of economic-financial success and the much deserved personal enrichment.

Described like that, sounds pretty fair: hard work, right decisions, sense of opportunity and good partnerships have good chances to succeed.

Most people desire success, recognition, health and happiness, but is it legitimate to achieve these goals through legal exploitation and the commodification of everything?

Where can we recognize moral value and long-term sustainability in commodifying people, animals, natural resources and causing environmental destruction and unnecessary production of waste (including hazardous waste)?

The legitimacy of freedom of initiative and entrepreneurship should never take precedence over the common interest and the precautionary principle that warns us to look at the medium-long term consequences before we implement economically viable projects.

According to the capitalist mentality, the precautionary principle is nothing more than an obstacle to the exercise of individual freedoms, opportunities to solve problems generated by previous solutions, creating conditions to generate new problems in a spiral of complexity driven by profit must never be obstructed because that’s how society evolves.

Over time, the rentier class ends up acquiring the power to design the legal codes that guarantees the control of the system that allows them to continue increasing the influence over society's strategic and foundational institutions.

The capitalist system is in fact productive because it uses abundance as a bait to motivate citizens to fight for what in theory is the ideal of prosperity, sacrificing the present to achieve future success.

As success is considered a personal achievement, and all benefits, privileges and entitlements associated with it are like spoils of war, unquestionable reward for all real or fictitious personal sacrifices made to make capitalism a better system, people are entitled to “improve” the capitalist system but never doubt about its effectiveness much less question its existence.

The capitalist discourse proclaims individual freedoms as the pillars of democracy, but the concentration of wealth and consequent abduction of politics by entrenched economic and financial interests runs the show and dictates the rules.

In theory capitalist highest value is the free-market open economy but in practice capitalism boosts the conditions for the development of monopolies and the rise of oligarchs and plutocrats and over time society becomes dominated by a rentier class.

The independence of the legislative, executive and judiciary powers is pure fiction under the dominion of the capitalist regime.

The economic power reigns supreme and the long-term interests of the deep state dictates the governance that will provide the guidelines for the legislative branch, legislation is designed on behalf of the wealthy class to protect and enhance their interests.

Decentralization of power is not the same as liberalizing the economy, much less when it means opening the economy to foreign investors by attributing tax benefits and creating special economic zones that are nothing more than a means of codifying in law ways of restricting or abolishing the regulations that are in place to protect the national economic sovereignty.

Neither absolute protectionism nor absolute liberalism serve an healthy economy. Economic cooperation has to be mutually beneficial and strategic sectors have to be kept under state control. The idea that foreign investment is necessary for economic development because domestic investment is not enough to stimulate economic growth for job creation to lift people out of poverty is wrong and dangerous.

The predominant economic ideologies that currently run the world economy and finance are not only wrong they are harmful. The dependence on foreign investment and indebtedness to international financial organizations should be highly restricted to prevent loss of sovereignty and neocolonization.

The IMF, World Bank, investment funds, vulture funds, big banks and alike use recurrently the tricks and traps of debt enslavement to gain control of the local/national political class making sure that every piece of legislation protects the interests of the global capitalist rentier class.

Neoliberal globalized capitalism was designed to destroy national sovereignty, the legislative, executive and judicial branches are lobbied, bribed and corrupted by powerful national and globalized interests, with this type of order in place, the society as a whole loses the ability to demand accountability, therefore a functional societal system becomes a mirage.

The electoral process of today’s democratic regimes have become a  parody, the deep state agents responsive to the globalized capitalist imperialist class don’t allow the will of the people to be heard. The system is corrupted to the core and is irredeemable, we need to extirpate the roots of the problem, cosmetic reforms will end up reinforcing the old order. It is time for revolution, for structural system change, we need to recognize it in large numbers and get organized to make it happen.

The current global order promotes a corrupt kleptocratic political class thriving at the expense of widespread impoverishment and environmental destruction while the financialized globalized capitalism takes control of every bit of the economy and now they want to financialize nature.

This international order is heaven for the globalized imperialist neoliberal class but is hell for the ordinary citizenry. Global south, global north, it doesn’t matter anymore, disaster capitalism hits us all indiscriminately: economic adjustment, privatizations, deregulation, austerity for the poor and tax cuts for the rich, the enclosure of the commons, the financialization of the ecosystem services, and so forth…

Green capitalism is just another neoliberal imperialist scam to make us believe that this time is different, we just have to trust them and everything will be fine. Yes, sure!

Decentralization means democratization of power in the interests of regional and populations. But by delegating more power in local and regional elected officials and institutions doesn’t mean that decisions become more democratic automatically, decentralized democratic  responsibility can be disrespected when people don’t have or demand political agency to participate actively in the political process.

Democracy will always end up hijacked by economic interests if the democratic elucidation is not carried out by the population. We can delegation power and responsibility in third parties but preserve the right to have a saying before the decision is made and reverse the situation whenever a decision proves to have relevant negative impact in the  community.

Corruption is like rust, it never sleeps. Democracy is a process, not an achievement, maintaining constant vigilance is the only way to guarantee a healthy democracy accompanied by active participatory politics.

It only makes sense to delegate power with full accountability because representative democracy and the illusory separation of powers alone are not enough to prevent their appropriation by economic and financial interests.

I think this should be crystal clear. We have to stop demonizing and neglecting politics, politicians are not all the same and different political projects will give different outcomes. What makes little sense is thinking that voting is the only responsibility we have, because voting only makes sense if we have political agency to make the elected comply with the electoral programs.

In the current "democratic" conjuncture, the political class presents electoral programs and when elected, the government seems to have the legitimacy to implement political measures that are in total opposition of what was promised. If democracy is equivalent of giving lies a free-pass, we don't live in democracy, we live in shamcracy.

The triumph of deceit is also the triumph of the manipulation of perception to manufacture consent, the tag democracy is as good as any other to justify the ignominy of using power with the aim of making society an inhospitable place for the lower classes.

To have representative democracy we must have transversal participatory democracy. Many people still don't realize that power really corrupts and that not even the best cloth is protected against stains.

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2022

Class consciousness, participatory democracy and socioeconomic justice to avoid tyranny

Fair economic policies can be delivered by any form of government, democratic, authoritarian or even totalitarian. Representative democracy in a class-based society will always serve the interests of the ruling class just like most authoritarian and totalitarian regimes do.

Representative democracy in a class-based society is at best, formal democracy with democratic institutions, “free” elections and a few other rights that will be taken away when the citizenry would need them most such as in the case of “inadmissible” protests and demonstrations.

Why does the so-called liberal democratic regimes fail to deliver a fair economic system? Why can’t we get economic democracy and social justice through the voting booth? Why are we fed with lies again and again and every election cycle the situation goes from bad to worse and our proud democratic regimes never fulfill their promises, they never bother to respect the electoral programs upon which the electorate gave them a vote of confidence.

How come liberal democracies deliver austerity for the many while making the wealthy, wealthier when that was supposed to be a feature of authoritarian/totalitarian regimes? Is often said that democracy is the best of all possible systems. If that is true why reality does not confirm it? Why did we lose confidence in politics and consider most politicians corrupt people without integrity?

It is because representative democracy in a class-based society is always hijacked by the special interests codified into law. Representative democracy in a class-based society is a simulation of democracy, those who control the wealth hold the power to control the main structural institutions and keep the citizenry at bay, for all intents and purposes, this is not democracy it is open for debate what kind of label identifies it more accurately but democracy is out of question.

Multiparty or single-party, free or fake elections, it doesn’t really matter who wins, because they are selected before being elected and the much needed radical change won’t happen in the present circumstances, the winning class insulated itself from external threats and most people are kept distracted by a culture of make believe and infantilization consuming time and vital energies that should be used to acquire knowledge and build up comprehensive understanding of how the weapons of mass deception colonize our minds and normalize political apathy.    

Most of us nurture the naive hope that the political class don’t want to destroy the fabric of society, and the advantage of living in a democracy if nothing else calls politicians to reason, the desire to be re-elected obliges them to make some concessions.

The majority of people support moderates, the virtue is at the centre, the centre is synonymous of balance, which makes sense, the role of centrists is to make reasonable, responsible, credible and sustainable political decisions.

We are domesticated creatures, that’s what education is all about (compliance and conformity)  to become reasonable citizens supportive of moderate policies, and in spite of more than enough reasons to disbelief the mainstream worldviews, we keep believing and even worse, trusting the authoritative voices and distrust the dissent ones, always looking for incongruities and alibis to discard and discredit the dissenting voices.  

In a class-based society, class consciousness has always to be on the table if we want to have a realistic understanding of how the machinations of class warfare are used to keep the middle, lower social classes under control, which means propagandized, managed, conditioned, deceived and delusional.  

The parties that make up the rest of the political spectrum, left and right, whatever that means these days, have a decorative function, parliaments look less boring. But there comes the time when part of the citizenry fed up of being duped by the centrists start to be attracted to the extremes.

The extreme right is better accepted for a simple reason, it promises to restore normality and re-establish social order, prioritizing national interests and traditional values. The so called radical left proposes more revolutionary programs and systemic change, instead of offering security they spread a climate of uncertainty, rejected by most citizens who just want to recover the petty bourgeois way of life they were used to.

I believe that complex societies need to rely on some form of authority to maintain order and ensure justice.

Democracy without economic justice and environmental conscious protection is not democracy. Calling democracy to a system completely hijacked by special interests and public-private partnerships which means the state has to bear the losses and the private pockets get stuffed with the profits.

True democracy does not work in societies organized in a vertical hierarchy format. The reason why we do not have functional democracies is  precisely because we believe that above democracy is property, most citizens accept and rationalize social injustices as a necessary evil, an inevitability , there are no perfect systems so why bother to change, when there is always the possibility to change for worse!

Instead of believing in political, religious or whatever type of saviors and/or hand over the future of humanity to transhumanist technocrats of a dystopian technofascist regime, we should fight for more political agency, political apathy brought us to the where we are now.

We tolerate austerity measures, continuous degradation of the standard of living, job precariousness, permanent instability, uncertainty and helplessness as if there is no alternative (TINA).

I’m afraid we will soon reach the point of no return, but for the moment I believe there is still room to build organized effective opposition for real systemic change focused in class consciousness because I truly believe that all problems derive from the root problem which is class-based society.

I feel a deep sadness with the state of submission we have reached. We can express our indignation on social networks, dogs bark but the caravan passes. We are scattered all over the place when what we really need is class consciousness to unify people of whatever walks of life suffer similar socioeconomic troubles.  

We never had an education for democracy, we are never taught about how the backstage of the world of financial and monetary policy works. We live in a democracy, but we don't even deserve to learn how to live in a democracy.

We call democracy to a system that is captured by psychopaths and sociopaths, illusionist megalomaniacs capable of seducing society to join conquest, violence and murder to honour plunder. Creating enemies, murdering people, destroying livelihoods, and ecosystems for control and wealth accumulation that will be wasted in megalomaniac projects and hedonistic vanity.

This is what civilization is about, ‘not the fictional idea of what civilization is’ civilization is imperialist expansionism, plundering of resources, enslavement of people, environmental destruction, all complex societies end up being hijacked and dominated by the wrong people and this is what will always happen for as long as there are no sociocultural alerts against all forms of dehumanization and demonization design to divide people into groups and classes, adopting prejudices as facts in order to serve special interests and accept inequality as the norm.

Nothing is irreversible (except death, at least for now) but it is very difficult not only to organize people but also to formulate a consensual project for a classless society, participatory democracy, economic justice and environmental protection, green capitalism is more of the same, top down control.

Many of us have to accept Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber https://davidgraeber.org/books/bullshit-jobs/ for mere survival reasons.

My personal experience allowed me to experience different work environments, in several sectors of the economy. For family reasons I started working at the age of sixteen in a tannery.

Since then, I learned that a profit-oriented economy will always prioritize profit, environmental pollution, resource overexploitation, goods and services that serve to stimulate consumption instead of serving to satisfy people's needs with quality, comfort and durability are the norm not the exception.

The consumer society is unsustainable (period). Green capitalism wants to convince us that the financialization of ecosystem services is the way to save the planet but the truth is, they want to “save” the oligopolies and monopolies that benefit the rentier class.

Superfluous consumption of unnecessary goods and services for anxiety  alleviation won’t work, but will overtime make us feel increasingly frustrated and distressed and more predisposed to addictive behaviors.

The need to consume superfluous goods is understandable but should never become the default mode. When I enter a supermarket and see thousands of items on display, the vast majority of those products are completely unnecessary, but it doesn’t matter, for as long as they are there consumers will buy them. The ecological footprint, the amount of waste we produce in a for-profit economic system to “enjoy” meaningless lives is mind-blowing.

In a class-based profit-oriented political economy system, everything becomes commodifiable, first we lose self-respect and along with it we become useful tools to be exploited in the market place, communist rhetoric some would say, prove me wrong I would reply!

When we assign a monetary/financial value/tag to “something” we deprive it of the intrinsic dignity and fundamental value in a clear distortion and suppression of elementary respect for nature and life with  the loss of sacredness. Profit becomes the supreme "moral value” and blind faith in technoscientism as the theology for the technofascist transhumanist era.