sábado, 5 de outubro de 2024

I believe you know Michael Hudson (https://michael-hudson.com/). He is the go-to person for helping us understand how the Western monetary, economic, and financial system really works, the role of the FIRE sector, the debt-based economy, and how commercial banks create money out of thin air with a few strokes on a keyboard in the form credit/loan. This is how most new money enters the economy. 

A QE is an instrument that central banks use to provide liquidity to private banks and clear their balance sheets of worthless (junk) assets.

Incidentally, in 2001, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) was the first central bank to implement a non-conventional monetary instrument – ​​quantitative easing – into its operational policy.

I believe you are also familiar with the book by Richard Werner (known as the father of quantitative easing) (Author) of "Yen Princes: Japan's Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy."


Documentary https://youtu.be/p5Ac7ap_MAY?si=dZMgnp0l23YL20Um

MMT is not new; it is the return to a solid and productive use of a sovereign currency to develop the real economy, create jobs, and finance universal basic services.

First, the state invests, makes payments and transfers, and then taxes to remove excessive liquidity from the economy to control inflation.

The risk of inflation is related to the inability of any country's national economy to produce goods, products, and services (wealth) in line with the money needed to pay for imported products, including those with high-added value. 

An economy with a weak currency that has to pay for imports with a strong currency ($US) will have to take on debt in the international capital markets to obtain the necessary funds to regulate the trade imbalance. 

The hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic was caused mainly by the humiliating war reparations imposed on the Germans. 

sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and Commander — JSEC — NATO Lieutenant General Alexander Sollfrank are among a large group of people that Germans, in particular, and Europeans, in general, should not trust. 

These gentlemen are collaborating with the real enemy, the US neocons, who, just as they are sacrificing Ukrainians for a "good cause," will have no reluctance in putting all of our lives on the line.

Russia is not and has never been a danger to Europe. Europe (if it had dared to face the feudal lord) would have ended NATO and made a security agreement with Russia when the USSR and the Warsaw Pact were dismantled. 

Existing American military bases in Europe should have been closed. This would not have been easy because European leaders would have to deal with American threats. If there had been political courage, we would be enjoying shared prosperity with the nations of Eurasia instead of being in decline and on the brink of nuclear exchange.

Two crucial quotes

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal""- Henry Kissinger

Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, the first Secretary General of NATO.

NATO was created to "keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."


Watch: https://www.youtube.com/live/oIzUpiP1VXA?si=13qFJvZK05HttigU&t=988

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2024

We have been living in a paradoxical libfascist regime for decades. 

The State was stripped of its equalizing role while the plutoligarchy hijacked the legislative process, transforming the government's role into the manager of the interests of the 0.1%. 

If we do not face this reality with the seriousness it demands, our societies will become increasingly fascistic. The liberal facade is being removed.

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/SKK0GOs_XN0?si=aza_tKocNgN5kKJQ

quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2024

Europeans created the Capitalocene (globalized imperialist capitalism) based on blatant plunder, military domination, political-economic control, human enslavement, and environmental destruction for profit.

More recently, Anglo-American financial imperialism (Wall Street and the City of London) developed the parasitic rentier financial capitalism (financialization of the economy and ecosystem services), putting pressure on the Global South to open its economies to deepen dependence and increase loot.

Those who focus the blame on the Anthropos while omitting the role of the Capitalocene, class society, and the enclosure of the commons are intellectual charlatans.

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." - Albert Einstein.

Capitalist technoscientism wants to "save" the planet Earth by following the pathway that brought humanity to the actual mess.

Comment on the video:  https://youtu.be/QCFGS6z9CxM?si=WYoa12CO8RcR20sp

segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2024

 It was not agriculture per se that is to blame; many indigenous people domesticated plants and animals without causing significant environmental changes. 

The problem begins with the emergence of societies organized into classes and castes in which the idea of ​​accumulation of wealth and the centralization of power becomes acceptable. The higher classes could live in luxury and extravagance, detached from the suffering caused to others. 

The cancer is the naturalization of social superiority, entitlement, and privilege, as well as the ruler's divine rights and ownership as a source of enrichment and power reinforcement.

It was the naturalization and glorification of imperialism and colonialism, which means the triumph of sociopathy and psychopathy over empathy and compassion, and the adoption of monotheist religions separating the human race from nature that made us believe that we are separated from nature. 

European rulers thought they had the divine role of civilizing the world as justification for the imperialist plunder and hegemonic control.

The naturalization of imperialist civilization, not agriculture, brought us to the Capitalocene. 

Capitalism is a cancer in the web of life, and imperial colonialism is how it spreads the metastasis.

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/dQg3QnfJ8Rw?si=-NZAV5PT7DqlqaoU

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

- Upton Sinclair

sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2024

The globalization of financial capitalism (market fundamentalism) has had highly destructive consequences for the real economy of the leading proponents of global domination, namely the US & UK (Anglo-American imperialism).

Relocating investment and production to underdeveloped countries allowed China, the prominent example, to develop economically and techno-scientifically.

On the other hand, although sanctions work in countries with less developed economies (dependent on the importation of agricultural products and technology), they do not work in countries with Russia's potential. 

The neoliberal revolution was meant to be the economic, financial, and monetary arm of the "globalist" project for full-spectrum dominance. The global network of military bases and installations and the military power of the USA/NATO were meant to be the military arm that the neocons counted on to establish the End of History and confirm TINA. 

But neoliberalism (rentier post-industrial capitalism) came to determine the decadence of the West and paradoxically ended up boosting the rise of the so-called global South.

And now what? 

War to contain the inevitable rise of a multipolar world, which might determine global annihilation as the alternative to global domination!!!

Comment on the video: https://youtu.be/BCRuPfrvQCY?si=MpFN-672yLz94W8G